Unity With Mother Earth
Upon reading part 2 in the "New Planet Earth" series I realized two things. First, it is a very intricate concept and one which I have a lot to say. As I have stated the concept of unity is also very important in us all taking the next step in our evolutionary process. A 2400 word article is long for this application and yet not long enough to really give a thorough explanation of all the aspects I mentioned in it. I probably should have made it a complete series on it's own to really do it justice.
Secondly, I realized that I failed to discuss one major factor in our understanding of unity. The realization that our mother earth is a live being. That we are composed of the same stuff she is. That she feels love and communicates with us in so many non-verbal ways. The right-brained people will understand this statement better than left brainers as they usual will have a tendency to feel the real connection with the earth.
So, in this article I wish to expand a couple of topics that beg for the clarity that I hope it will give. The first topic is the grids that hold our consciousness in place. These grids I speak of are not the magnetic grid that is recognized as the directional guidelines for so many creatures to navigate their particular migrational paths.
These grids; the primal grid - the duality grid - the unity grid are crystalline in composition. They look like a spider web hence it is often called the webs of consciousness. They serve the purpose of determining our mass consciousness. Our reality. How we relate to ourselves and the world around us. They effect our memories. They have an electro-magnetic aspect which is the physical reason that they can do this. Our memories and our actions are greatly effected by magnetics. Look at full moon time when the magnetics of the earth are altered. What happens to many of us? Just ask a policeman. We are affected.
The duality grid as I have said gives us our "rule book" for our beliefs and actions. This grid is often called "the veil" as it inhibits our memory from opening up to who and what we truly are. This grid and the primal grid have been our guides since the beginning of known human history. I say both because with consciousness shifts both are integrated. We don't use the second one without keeping aspects of the first also. The basis for this series is that I believe we are going to be accessing the third grid.
The term that gets thrown around a lot is "the veil is lifting". Well that term may sound new-agey, and it is, but the reality is, that is exactly what is happening. When we all access the Christ grid it completely changes our perspective on everything. With these changes we will be able to see clearly that we are god also. All the concepts I am introducing is this series will become common knowledge. This includes the concept of unity, but it takes a critical mass of our population to truly believe these ideas before we will all adopt them as our own. Right now there is an ever growing amount of people on this earth that are experiencing this shift. We just need to get to our biblical 144,000 for us all to shift.
Again, so much more to say and I have possibly just created more questions with this further explanation of the grids. With the Christ grid, when our veil of forgetfulness lifts and allows us to see clearly, our sameness and divinity, the concept of unity will not only become easily ingrained but an essential element of our beings on the new planet earth.
The presentation of the information from Gragg Braden's God Code I feel needs more discussion. Reading the whole book ,of course, would be the most beneficial to the understanding of this very important discovery but I will expand this concept with the intent of giving clarity to the understanding of unity.
Gregg uses the ancient science of gematria to explain how he arrived at his conclusion that the message that God is within our bodies is coded in our DNA. Gematria is basically the practice of using numbers instead of letters to describe and compare things. With language the meanings can be interpreted in different ways. With assigning number values to letters the comparison then becomes "apples to apples" or common denominators, which then leaves no doubt as to the meanings. The rules of gematria state that when something has the same numeric value, it is then the same thing.
He uses one particular group of texts from the school of Kabbalah; the Sephir Yetzirah or the book of creation. In the Sepher Yetzirah, Gregg explains, is the information that explains the alchemy of creation. Through many direct quotes from this ancient text the message becomes clear. This text says clearly that God used fire, air and water to create all things. I will just skim over how he arrived at converting those elements to the modern elements of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen as it is a long process and reading the book would fill in the blanks.
Using gematria for these three elements from the periodic tables of atomic mass, hydrogen is 1, nitrogen is 5 and oxygen is 6. Just a brief explanation for the conversion from fire air and water... the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen, water is made up of 86% oxygen and fire or in alchemical terms the sun is composed up of 71 percent hydrogen. The fourth element that makes up all life is carbon. This is where we fit in as we are carbon beings. So if you add hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen the numeric value comes to 12 which can reduced to a 3. The atomic mass of carbon is 12 or 3. Many ancient texts say that we were created from dust...from clay... from the stuff of mother earth. Using the Cabalist text for reference, that god used the three elements to make man makes more "scientific" sense now for my left brain to acknowledge.
Each of the 22 consonants of the ancient Hebrew alphabet have been assigned a numeric value. The Hebrew word for heaven, using gematria, adds to 395. The Hebrew word for earth adds to 395. With the rules of gematria heaven and earth and one and the same. Many texts describe humankind as the bridge between heaven and earth. So throughout our lives, the qualities of both realms are merged into one as they are the same. When we transition our bodies return to the earth and our souls and heaven are already one. This gives meaning to all the references of us being eternal as our energy merely changes form it does not end.
The point of this long explanation is to help you see that we are one. How can there be any difference in us if this information that has been given to us from ancient wisdom is to be believed?
Which then leads to the understanding that we are one with our mother earth. She is our mother. She bore us. We are made up of the same stuff she is. There is no separation. If we can understand or at least examine for ourselves whether this information rings true then how can we possibly want to hurt her. How can we not honor and respect her as we do our earthly mothers.
She does communicate with us if we only choose to listen. She shows us when we are being destructive with her. She gives us never ending unconditional love She supplies our shelter.She lifts our souls with her endless display of beauty. She supplies us with everything we need to nourish our bodies and our souls. She produces all things necessary to heal our diseases. She takes our bodies back when we leave and transforms them into wondrous things. She does all the things that a loving mother can possibly do for her children.
Unity is our future. It is our solution to all of the trials and tribulations that have followed us in our history. If history is examined, all the incidences of death and destruction have their roots in the idea that we are separate from each other and all things. With unity consciousness will come a period of human experience that will be filled with love, compassion, co-operation and a deep realization that all is one.
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