Wednesday, June 13, 2007

World Religions.. Are They Headed For Extinction?

In the present day society as well as in history, religion is and has been the main driver in people's thoughts, actions and intentions.

Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, all have books that are used as guide books for them. The Bible, the Tao, the Bhagavad Gita, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Torah, the Koran to name a few. They have one statement or concept that is the same for all. Different variations but the same meaning. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Unfortunately that tenet sometimes gets lost in the many applications and interpretaions of these books.

Religion has had such a huge role in human history that to try to define it and source it is a daunting task. Each culture has variations of the answers to the "how's and why's" of existence, but really they all have a common thread. When you stand back and observe the practises and beliefs they all saying the same basic things, in my view.

The main tenet is that there is a God or supreme being outside ourselves that creates and controls all things in our lives. This gives us the comfort of not taking responsibilty for anything that happens and puts it outside of us where we have no control. With a set of rules given to us from the holy books we can live our lives with the assurance that we will go to "heaven" when we die if we follow the rules.

"New Age" belief looks at things from a different perspective. Instead of following the leader the choice is to follow ones self. A belief that we are God also and have the power to create what we desire. How we choose to experience life is up to us, not set out in a rulebook or determined by any power outside of ourselves.

A controversial concept to say the least as it goes against the ingrained norms of our society. Is the next step in human evolution the shift from the mentality of following the leader? Doing things how they have been done in the past just because that's how they been done? Or is it a totally new perspective of following yourself and taking full responsibilty for all events in your life? Are we beginning to examine our actions and questioning the reasons as to why we do things a certain way?

If we are truly changing to the perspective of personal responsibilty, than the doctrine and dogma of religions is in jeopardy of going the way of the dinosaur. Is there signs of the waning popularity of following the rigid rules of the world's religions? I see it. In Europe, where religion has always been such a huge part of daily life the attendance statistics are plummeting. Rejected by a generation of people who are questioning the validity and authority of the church.

I believe the key to the survival of religion is a complete overhaul of doctrine. The major change coming from the amount of tolerance they demonstrate for other religions. Understanding that there are different flavors of the "truth" and all can be respected and acknowledged as being valid. Not discounted or persecuted for their differences as has been the case in history.

Also, a change of the use of fear that religions have practised as a "control" mechanism for people. The fear that if they don't follow the rulebook there will be grave consequences for them in their lives. Religion has and does use this tactic to keep their "flock" in the fold, asking them to give their personal power over to God and all will be well for them.

And lastly, a shift in how the religions describe our relationship to God. That we are lowly servants unable to think or create for ourselves. I believe if you really listen to the teachings of Jesus, he describes how are all like him and have the same attributes that he has but that is a topic for another time. There is room for all these changes in religion without changing the essence of the reason they were created in the first place.

Can we all worship together? Can we learn to not only tolerate but celebrate the differences that each religion has? I believe so. And I also believe that if there is no change then world religions are destined to follow the path to extinction.


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1 comment:

Christina Hauck said...

Hi, Seth. I would like to point out that Buddhism does not have a god, not at least in the sense that you describe it, as some external power. You might want to read Zen Master Seung Sahn's book "The Compass of Zen" for a succinct discussion of the difference between what he calls "object religions" and Buddhism, which he calls a "subject religion."