Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Planet Earth Series- The 5 Attributes

The New Planet Earth. You are probably wondering what I mean by such a statement. "What happened to the old planet earth?" You might say "Is there more than one planet earth?"

I believe that we are in the early stages of going into the third step in human evolution. This is not a literal remaking of new dirt but a complete paradigm shift of how humans interact with themselves and all things around them. The intent of this article series is to describe the human attributes of the new planet earth from my perspective and to assist others to possibly examine their lives giving, them hope for the future of us all.

The first step or first dimension consciousness had similar attributes to the stage we are shifting to now. The belief was that we were one with every living thing including mother earth and father sky. One difference is that in the first step we looked for God outside our ourselves and believed there was a god that controlled all aspects of nature.This can best be seen in aboriginal cultures and still exists today.

The second step or duality consciousness is the stage we have been in as humans for thousands of years. Some attributes of the second dimension include concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, male and female, God and the devil, heaven and hell. All concepts that have an opposite attribute to each other. In duality the shared belief is that we are separate from each other and all things. Whether it be individuals or countries or races or nature or the earth, we feel that we stand alone. The adages of survival of the fittest, I am stronger, faster, smarter than you, I live the right way and you are wrong, are aspects of duality consciousness.

Duality by its very nature brings with it concepts of competition, of attachment and ownership of people and things, of judgement of right and wrong, good and bad.It also carries the belief that "they" control our lives. Everything that is outside ourselves like governments, society schools, laws, God, religion, doctors, authorities of any kind are to be followed and obeyed. Described by the adage of "follow the leader". The belief that we are in this alone and have to fight for what we desire. Seeking happiness and fulfillment outside of our selves. Comparing our progress by certain standards that "they" dictate to us from birth.

The third step or third dimension, which some have labeled unity consciousness, Christ consciousness, the great shift, ascension, enlightenment, etc. have a set of attributes that is a total overhaul of the way humans react and relate to each other along with the relationship that we have with all other things. We will go from a belief of "following the leader" to one of "following our selves".

Here is a list of concepts that will form the basis of the next stage. We will list them here with a short description but will go into detail about each attribute in separate articles for the series called "The New Planet Earth."

1. Unity...This is the knowing that we are all made up of the same stuff and therefore there can be no separation. We are connected to each other and all things. We are one with the earth, the animals, the plants, the waters, the sky, the moon, the universe.We are connected with an invisible web of love that allows us to feel an unconditional love for our self and by extension for all things.

2. We are God also...The knowing that we are the creators of our own reality. As Jesus Christ and Buddha and all the masters of human history have told us that we are like them. We can do and feel all the same things that they did. That we are all pieces of God, and that God is within not only all of us but in all things. With this knowledge there will be no need to look outside ourselves for anything.

3. Releasing Judgment...This is the natural progression of a concept that will fall away when we remember who we truly are. How can we judge when we know that we are all the same. That right and wrong is an illusion of duality and that nothing is good or bad it just is.

4. Attachment...This is an easy concept to explain but a very difficult one to truly believe. When we take ownership of something outside of our self we then carry that around. We become responsible for it yet have no control over what happens to it. It is pretty easy when explained in relation to my house or my car or my stuff but gets especially difficult when the subject of my kids or my wife/husband or my sister is considered in terms of attachment. We love to feel that attachment to the people part of our lives yet by doing this it sets up a myriad of feelings from not being able to "make" them be how we expect them to be. We will explore new energy relationships in this segment.

This concept will be explained in great detail in the series as it is a very hard concept to grasp.

5. Happiness...The final entry in the series will discuss what happiness is and where it comes from. It is the one thing that humans in duality consciousness crave the most. And for good reason, as this is the one concept that seems to be so elusive and is the base motivation for everything we do. In this article we will discuss the concepts of living in the now, of having no expectations, of making no plans, quieting the mind and having inner peace. These are the five attributes of human behavior on the new planet earth. There may be more that others may be able to describe but these five sum up, when explained in detail, all the changes that the shift will bring.

It is an exciting time to be on earth. I truly believe that for this shift to happen we all have to do it together. We all have to jump on the ladder. My purpose is to be a lightworker. A lighthouse shining the light to show the way to anyone who wants to hear the message. Not trying to stop the boat from hitting the rocks. Just shining the light to help the ship see the path.

Not preaching or trying to convert. Merely giving my perspective and cheering everyone on. Being there to answer questions. To support, and to join hands with anyone who desires the change that I desire. I know it is happening. I can feel it. Together, we are in the process of creating a New Planet Earth.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Live Earth Made Me Cry

It was New Years Eve in 2000. I was sitting in my apartment, alone, watching television. There were tears flowing down my cheeks. No, it wasn't because I was alone. It was because I was watching the broadcast of new year's celebrations from the major cities around the globe.

It wasn't sad crying, it was a happy, loving cry. I felt a love for my fellow human being like I had never experienced before. I had a realization that we truly were all the same. That there is no difference in us because of our skin color or culture or border or anything that has kept us from that realization in the past That there was no separation.

We had one unified purpose on that night and that was to celebrate the dawn of a new century together. It showed me that we experience the same feelings and emotions no matter who we are or where we are.

July 7th 2007 I experienced that feeling once again. 07/07/07. What an appropriate day to stage an event for the whole world to experience. In numerology, 7 is a spirit day.Spirit was definitely present on this day.

In case you don't know, I am talking about the Live Earth event that was masterfullyorganized, broadcast and attended from Australia, Japan, China, South Africa, Germany,The U.K., Brazil and the U.S.A.

Once again because of the wonders of modern technology just like back in 2000the world got to experience not just the home country celebrations but all of them in the chronological order of time zones starting with Australia.

The intent of the day was to raise the consciousness on the subject of global warming with a call to action to take a 7 part pledge to commit to changing our habits regarding energy consumption and to pressure our governments into changing policies with respect to environmental conservation and carbon emissions.

The figurehead of the movement was Al Gore, former U.S. Vice President and producer of the Oscar winning film called "An Inconvenient Truth".

But the day, for me, wasn't about Al Gore or even global warming. As far as global warming I believe that the solution will be found in alternative sources of energy.The four resources that are free, environmentally neutral and in never-ending abundance are the tidal power of the ocean,the sun, to a lesser extent, the wind and the substance that makes up a full 90% of the universe, hydrogen. All or a combination of these four sources would generate the world power needs without leaving the footprint that coal or fossil fuels do now.

No, the day for me was more validation that we are getting closer to the concept of unity consciousness. The knowing that we are all one. That we are all in this together. Together as a whole we can change anything we desire. If the attendance and viewer numbers for Live Earth are any indication of desire, I would say we want to change they way we treat our Mother Earth.

With this showing of singular purpose nothing is impossible. And to me, it doesn't matter what the purpose is, it's the demonstration of a unified voice, a unified heart.

Just think of the things we could eliminate in this world if we all felt like one family. Where what is happening to one member of our family is happening to all of us. Racism, war, corruption, competition, poverty violence against each other.

Nothing is impossible. It's events like Live Earth that give me the inner knowing that it is happening right now.

There I was. Sunday morning. Watching another piece of technology that is a catalyst for world unification. The world wide web. Watching Live Earth. Switching around the globe at the click of a mouse. Feeling unconditional love for everyone. Thinking back to that night in 2000. Alone again but comforted in the knowledge that I am never alone. My family is with me and I am a part of the whole.

And a tear rolled down my cheek.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Overlight Process Part Five...Healer on the New Planet Earth

Modern medical science in our society has risen to an almost god-like status among us. We are running to the doctor at any sign of physical or mental discomfort. Relinquishing all responsibility for our healing to the medical system. It seems that this practice by all accounts is stretching the traditional health care system to the point of breaking.

The intent of this article series called "The Overlight Process" is to view healing from a totally different perspective putting the power back to the individual whereI believe it belongs. Instead of treating an imbalance with pills or surgery, Overlight looks at disease from a belief that these conditions are presented to us for the reason of attaining mastery of the primary life lesson and is a necessary part of life.

As previously stated, I believe that this total shift of perspective from giving our power away to doctors or healers of any kind to one of taking personal responsibility for ourselves in all aspects of life is happening right now.

I like to believe that deep down we feel that relying on the medical system to solve our mental and physical conditions is inherently unnatural giving impetus to the ever increasing use of alternative healing modalities that give us back the power and subsequently the responsibility for our own healing, like Overlight.

Being an Overlight facilitator comes with a set of parameters to follow that are a necessary part for anyone who practices Overlight or any other alternative healing.

These 12 suggestions allow facilitators to keep balanced while creating space for others to heal themselves.

1. Healing can only take place with each person holding their own power. The first and most important concern is to find ways to facilitate others without taking their power from them.

2. All facilitation must be by request. It is not possible to facilitate healing without their specific request.

3. It is only possible to facilitate healing with the highest intent. There is no secrets. and must allow our intentions to be fully seen.

4. As healers we understand that illness is not always a sign that something is wrong. Illness sometimes facilitates change and is only one state of health.

5. It is important to always speak our truth but in doing so know that truth is always a work in progress. We have to leave room for growth in the words we speak. We must honor all flavors of the truth no matter how different they seem from our own. Allowing other people to stand in their truth without being threatened by ours. Competition is an illusion of separateness that is no longer valid.

6. We must check our egos often and examine truthfully the motivations for our words and actions.

7. We must practice the art of discernment in making choices without judgement and only choose what things and ideas that nurture us.

8. Not be afraid to say "I don't know". Make space for empowerment of all and that none of us has all the answers but together, all of us has access to all the answers.

9. Know that the true strength of a healer lies in our vulnerability. If we share our mistakes openly then our perceived weaknesses will become our greatest strengths.

10. We must remember that we have no control over the thoughts that come into our head but have complete control over what stays there. Take responsibility for becoming the master of our thoughts and share the process with others around us.

11. Know that we all have the same base motivation. We are all looking for answers to the major life questions and remember that the easiest way to do that is to do it together.

12. Know that it is not possible to heal another. It is only possible to offer them the space in which to heal themselves, if they choose. We will not take responsibility for the healing of anyone but our self. Responsibility is the balance of power. We help people to take responsibility for their own healing so that they may hold their true power.

These suggestions were designed for Overlight facilitators but I believe they can hold for anyone who's purpose is to facilitate healing of others. This is the future of healing in what I call the new Planet Earth.

I hope that if you read all 5 parts of this series that all or even one sentence rang true for you and you could relate the information to something that you have experienced in your life. My intent with writing this was to offer an alternative for people who believe that there is more to this human experience than just getting by or enduring everyday life with that empty sentiment of "Is this all there is?"

I truly believe the concept that we are not just human beings wrestling with the idea of spirituality but, in fact, we are spiritual beings coping with the process of a human awakening.

This concept give us the knowledge that there are higher truths about life waiting for us to discover. Now that, to me, is reason enough to celebrate and enjoy every second of it.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Overlight Process Part 4..7 Stages Of Life

This is part 4 of the overlight series. If you read parts 1,2 and 3 and are still with me then this information may have been meant for you. Part 4 is where we will be getting very "woo-woo" so if you can, stay with it and you will see how it all fits together.

The entire human lifetime process is broken down into seven separate stages. Each stage has a purpose in the overall evolution of the soul. All seven stages have a specific purpose to enable the mastering of the 12 primary life lessons.

Stage One...The Planning Stage.. prior to birth.

This stage occurs prior to birth when we actually plan the life we are about to experience. It is during this stage that we ask certain people to play various roles tohelp us with the specific lesson we have chosen to work on in this lifetime.This stage is rarely remembered. The reason is if we did not have on a "veil of for forgetfulness in place, the game of life that we have come here to play would have very little meaning.

Stage Two...The First Transition..conception through the first year.

The most difficult transition we will make is the journey we take through the birthcanal. The process of birth is when the soul transitions into physical form by intentionally lowering it's vibration. This experience is the most dramatic vibrationalshift a soul will experience in physical form.

One of the first things that happens is to bond energetically with our parents or guardians, then with other family members and any other important people in our environment. As soon as these connections are made, the search for higher meaning begins. This stage and the next three stages of life are spent searching for a definition of God.

The first definition is to think that the parents or the caretaker is God. This is when the baby first looks to the omnipresent being hovering over them taking care of their every need as God. This is also where we get the idea that God is in the sky above us. It is at this time that we begin to look outside ourselves for answers.

We are also looking to connect with an "energy role model". This is someone with the same
wiring. It could be mother, father, aunt or the gentleman on the bus. If you think to your childhood memories there will be one person that will be remembered as very important to you and is often not the parent. The connection is made through eye contact and lets you understand that you are safe and everything will be okay.

Stage Three...Age Two through early Teens

As the soul gets comfortable in the human body it begins exercising power. This is also known as the "terrible two's". Now the scream that used to be a cry often becomes an expression of power.

This is the time we begin our relationships. It is through these relationships that we begin to experience our power. This stage is here we receive energy stamps.Energy stamps are events like emotional, physical and sexual abuse. These are directly related to our personal power. It is also the set up for taking our personal power in the years ahead.

These years are spent learning the art of creation in human form. The expression of personal power is very important in this stage. If one fails to express ones power, it is then possible to turn the creative energy inward. If our creations are rejected or forcefully overridden we usually learn that it is dangerous for us to express our power.

This stage is the set up for the tone of your lifetime and it doesn't have to be abuse it can be positive. The difference is it is harder to master your lesson witha positive experience. A negative experience is much more effective for learning.

Stage Four...Responsibility and First Maturity..Late Teens through mid Thirties:

Here we, as souls in physical form, begin to take our power by attempting to make decisions that direct our lives. We often rebel in this stage simple to exercise our power.

Nothing is sacred and all things are examined with a fresh perspective. Strong beliefs from parents and teachers are examined and possibly rejected in the new power of the first maturity.
We also learn that with power comes responsibility. We learn that personal responsibilityis the balance or trade off to personal power.

This is when the primary life lesson will begin if it hasn't begun already. A catalyst will be introduced into our experience such as a spouse or close associate that will trigger the emotions needed to will start you on your way to creating your "story" and setting up your life lesson circumstances.

Stage Five...Maturity..Forties through Seventies

This stage is where we discover what is really important. We become enlightened seekers in the area of our passion. We have survived the times of raising children. This is a stage where we learn to allow and draw to us the things that bring us joy. Life begins at 50 is a phrase that many repeat during these times.

This can also be a time when the life lesson may be reactivated bringing up old stuff that we had thought we had dealt with. We re-define our relationships with everything and everyone around us. This can appear as "mid-life crisis" but it is a re-evaluation of everything in one's life. Old relationships and possibly marriages end as a resultof this process of priority examination.

It is also the time when spirituality develops if it hasn't already. We start to look at the big questions of what life is about.

Stage Six...Simplification..Becoming Childlike:

This is a very important stage of life. It is where we prepare for the final transition. Many of the illusions of life have been removed and we now choose simplicity. This stage may be short or it may go on for years.

Matthew 18:3 And he said: " I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children,you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Adopting a simple childlike attitude enables the final stage to complete the process.We see older people becoming more dependant. We watch our parents become children again.This is not a negative event but one to be celebrated not dreaded. It is a natural occurrence at the end of a lifetime. People who fail to become like this can experience mental or physical effects that can push them in this direction i.e. Alzheimers and other like conditions help the soul to accomplish this.

There are people that fight this transition and will live an extended period of physical or mental pain that affects all the people around them. The loved ones watching will often be wishing for the end to come for the good of all.

The second transition, death, is much easier to experience. We only have to deal with the fear of the unknown. There is an important part of this transition and it is a contract made with someone close to the heart. That person gives permission to leave with the final contract being acceptance of this permission.

Stage Seven...Acclimation..Incorporating Life Experiences into the Core:

This is the stage of life where a soul reviews all choices, experiences, actions and results. This is called life review, judgement day, purgatory and many other labels. We evaluate whether we have mastered the primary life lesson that we came in to achieve. All experiences are remembered as a joyous human experience. Even the pain is recalled as a joyous event.
As we revisit every experience we will decide which ones to incorporate into our core personality and which ones to reject.

Well, if you are still reading this then hopefully you gained some insight into a perspective of life that is at the heart of the Overlight process. Even one small part that may answer some questions for you about what this human experience is all about.

There is really only two questions that need to be asked in the seventh stage of life and those are;

Did you dance in your passion?

Did you play in your joy?

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Overlight Process..Part 3 What Is My Primary Life Lesson?

We work to master 12 primary life attributes in our experience as humans. With each lifetime we choose 1 primary life lesson to work with and continue to work on it in consecutive lifetimes until we achieve "mastery" of that single attribute.

As you read the list of lessons you may recognize one or more of the attributes. These are life lessons that you have already mastered in this or previous lifetimes. There will be a blind spot in recognizing your present primary lesson.

This is where an Overlight facilitator can help identify your primary life lesson. All these lessons may present themselves to you in this lifetime but it is usually one that will have the most effect on your behaviors. It's like a student choosing a major to focus on but will also study other subjects.

1. Acceptance; Self-esteem, most often taken in female form but not restricted to it. Also described as self-sabotage, whereby a person will "do everything right but it still does not seem to work".

2. Adaptation; This is the ability to adjust to change. This lesson makes people do everything possible to keep everything in their life on an even keel. They believe in order to succeed they need to keep everything from changing. They often have a hard time making any decision at all that would involve change. It doesn't always appear to be a problem in their lives until they are faced with drastic change that they realize they are unprepared for it.

3. Be-ing; In this lesson people believe they are not whole and have the need to be constantly adding something to become whole. This can be food, relationships, alcohol or drugs. It can be an obsession of any kind, and it can easily turn into addiction and often does.

4. Charity; Charity is walking in the constant knowledge of the connection to all things in all actions. It has been construed to mean giving, but charity is not the art of giving alone. Charity is in honoring the connection you have to all people in actions. When your actions honor all people you are the one who rises. A person working with the life lesson of charity has a blind spot when it comes to paying attention to the needs of other people. They may appear selfish or simply not caring.

5. Communication; From the heart. This lesson is more popular with males. Speaking their feelings and letting their needs be known honestly is very difficult. They may be prone to reverting to silence when they are tired or stressed. This lesson makes success in relationships very difficult.

6. Creation; Expressing Power. Working to master this lesson the person cannot see their own creations or their ability to create. A belief in lack and sometimes perfectionism often provide the perfect excuse for a person to not create for themselves. Mostly taken in female form in our society, where the male has traditionally been the most supported to create. Add to this a lack of self-confidence and you have wives who often hide their creations from their mates or create through their spouses giving the illusion that it is the spouse who is the creator. If this relationship ends the husband's success often seems to fail without cause. Understanding the power one has to create is the key to mastery of this lesson.

7. Definition; Expressing infidelity through boundaries. This is a very popular lesson for females. They carry emotional empathy. They tap into other's emotions, thought patterns and energy so easily that they often do not realize that it is not their own energy they are feeling. Their challenge in this lesson is to keep that energy from back feeding and draining them. Boundaries are the key factor in this life lesson.

8. Integrity; Walking in harmony with yourself. The four lines of integrity are what you speak, how you act, what you think, what you believe. If one or more of these lines don't match the others, the vibration sent out becomes blurred and unclear. When a blurred signal is sent out a blurred result is returned in all the experiences of this person's life.

9. Love; Love of self. People experiencing this lesson can often appear to give love to everyone and everything, sometimes only through the fear of being alone. A person working on this life lesson can often get stuck in a cycle of fear. Afraid that if they are left alone there will be no-one to love them. The key to mastery in this lesson is the ability to love one's self.

10. Trust; Trusting self. This is an easy lesson to understand and a hard one to master. These souls venture into set ups that constantly reinforce that they cannot trust themselves. This lesson is usually set up by a person, maybe mother or father who abuses them, so the individual learns not to trust anyone. It gives them difficulty trusting themselves to take their own power. They don't trust themselves enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable. Once this life lesson is mastered these people are seen walking through life with an inner sense of direction. They trust themselves enough to not need to know.

11. Truth; Personal Responsibility. People going through this lesson will have difficulty discerning and standing in their own truth. Thus, the tendency will always be to adopt the truth of others as their own. They may see themselves entirely through the eyes of others. They often become incapable of being truly honest with themselves. Outwardly they may tell lies and create excuses, rather than be honest about what is really going on in their life. Once they start taking responsibility for their own reality, then mastery of this life lesson will begin.

12. Grace; Walking in harmony with all things. This is the final step to mastery. This is a lesson that teaches the destination is unimportant. It is the journey and the grace with which you experience this journey that is important. How often do you wake up and say, "I love my life, I can't wait to see what today holds"? This may sound like simple positive thinking, but it is much more. When you see yourself as a player of the "game" of life and allow yourself to play the game with grace then the mastery of all lessons becomes not only easier but even enjoyable.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Overlight Process..Part 2 "The Whys" of Life Events

Overlight is a healing modality based on divinely inspired information from "the Group" as channeled by Steve Rother of Lightworker.com. It is a message of empowerment. We are the creators of our own reality and have the ability to heal ourselves and to choose how we experience life.

Spiritual enlightenment is a buzz word in our society these days and it's meaning sometimes gets lost. Buddhists have used this term for centuries but it has been only recently that we have adopted it to describe a process in our lives. But, what does it mean? To me, it can be simply stated. We see ourselves as human beings searching for a spiritual awakening when, in fact, we are spiritual beings trying to cope with a human awakening.

What causes us, as spiritual beings, to seek these human experiences in the first place? What sets certain patterns in our life into motion? Why do these patterns emerge in our own behaviors?

If you feel stuck;can't find your passion;need confirmation of your path;are searching for the "why" of events in your life;this information may be helpful. This is what the Overlight process is all about. It is like sitting on a fence, observing your situation from a distance void of judgment. Looking at it from "God's perspective". From a wider point of view knowing that there is no right or wrong, it just is. In Overlight, we identify your "primary life lesson" and how it fits into your life.

Looking at these patterns from a higher perspective makes them easier to recognize and change. The intent is to help people move past guilt, look at themselves honestly without judgement and step into empowerment to create the life of their choosing.

An Overlight facilitator simply shines the light on those "dark areas"; those "don't go there" subjects. Looking at your experiences from a spiritual or wider perspective, getting into the details of the events. From this perspective we will hopefully show you how the events fit into your life lesson and change what has always been a "negative" experience for you to a perspective of them being "positive" and necessary for you to "master" your lesson.

This process is called mastery, which is the intent of the Overlight process to help people master their primary life lesson in this lifetime.

The results of mastery will ripple down through all parts of your being releasing blocks that may be showing up in your minds or bodies in the form of dis-ease. Really all we are there to do is to help you remember who you truly are, the creator of your own reality.

There are some basic assumptions that form an integral part of this process:

1. There is an assumed belief that we are simply energy which can never die but can only change forms or simply put re-incarnation.

2. There is an assumed belief that we are actually spiritual beings experiencing life in human form.

3. There is an intrinsic belief that we experience life within a field of polarity, therefore, we see us as separate from one another when, in reality, we are inseparable. Thus, the concepts of "good and bad" "right and wrong" "black and white" "love and fear" etc. are all illusions of polarity.

4. There is an understanding that humanity is undergoing a quantum leap in our evolution, causing us to seek higher truths to support our newly heightened state of awareness. (enlightenment).

5. There is an understanding that the human spirit is an incredibly powerful force of creation, and as such, life is simply a self fulfilling prophesy.

If we understand that we have the power to heal ourselves it is no longer appropriate for us to give our power away to anyone else, including healers and facilitators. This is a drastic change in the overall perception of healing. People go to the doctor expecting to be healed.

With Overlight we take no responsibility for your healing as that would be taking your power. There is no "shoulds" or shouldn'ts" given you. No regimen to follow. With the power to heal also comes personal responsibility for the healing.

The Overlight golden rule is as follows:

" Heal another and you may change their life"

" Help another to heal themselves and you will change the Universe"