The Overlight Process Part 4..7 Stages Of Life
This is part 4 of the overlight series. If you read parts 1,2 and 3 and are still with me then this information may have been meant for you. Part 4 is where we will be getting very "woo-woo" so if you can, stay with it and you will see how it all fits together.
The entire human lifetime process is broken down into seven separate stages. Each stage has a purpose in the overall evolution of the soul. All seven stages have a specific purpose to enable the mastering of the 12 primary life lessons.
Stage One...The Planning Stage.. prior to birth.
This stage occurs prior to birth when we actually plan the life we are about to experience. It is during this stage that we ask certain people to play various roles tohelp us with the specific lesson we have chosen to work on in this lifetime.This stage is rarely remembered. The reason is if we did not have on a "veil of for forgetfulness in place, the game of life that we have come here to play would have very little meaning.
Stage Two...The First Transition..conception through the first year.
The most difficult transition we will make is the journey we take through the birthcanal. The process of birth is when the soul transitions into physical form by intentionally lowering it's vibration. This experience is the most dramatic vibrationalshift a soul will experience in physical form.
One of the first things that happens is to bond energetically with our parents or guardians, then with other family members and any other important people in our environment. As soon as these connections are made, the search for higher meaning begins. This stage and the next three stages of life are spent searching for a definition of God.
The first definition is to think that the parents or the caretaker is God. This is when the baby first looks to the omnipresent being hovering over them taking care of their every need as God. This is also where we get the idea that God is in the sky above us. It is at this time that we begin to look outside ourselves for answers.
We are also looking to connect with an "energy role model". This is someone with the same
wiring. It could be mother, father, aunt or the gentleman on the bus. If you think to your childhood memories there will be one person that will be remembered as very important to you and is often not the parent. The connection is made through eye contact and lets you understand that you are safe and everything will be okay.
Stage Three...Age Two through early Teens
As the soul gets comfortable in the human body it begins exercising power. This is also known as the "terrible two's". Now the scream that used to be a cry often becomes an expression of power.
This is the time we begin our relationships. It is through these relationships that we begin to experience our power. This stage is here we receive energy stamps.Energy stamps are events like emotional, physical and sexual abuse. These are directly related to our personal power. It is also the set up for taking our personal power in the years ahead.
These years are spent learning the art of creation in human form. The expression of personal power is very important in this stage. If one fails to express ones power, it is then possible to turn the creative energy inward. If our creations are rejected or forcefully overridden we usually learn that it is dangerous for us to express our power.
This stage is the set up for the tone of your lifetime and it doesn't have to be abuse it can be positive. The difference is it is harder to master your lesson witha positive experience. A negative experience is much more effective for learning.
Stage Four...Responsibility and First Maturity..Late Teens through mid Thirties:
Here we, as souls in physical form, begin to take our power by attempting to make decisions that direct our lives. We often rebel in this stage simple to exercise our power.
Nothing is sacred and all things are examined with a fresh perspective. Strong beliefs from parents and teachers are examined and possibly rejected in the new power of the first maturity.
We also learn that with power comes responsibility. We learn that personal responsibilityis the balance or trade off to personal power.
This is when the primary life lesson will begin if it hasn't begun already. A catalyst will be introduced into our experience such as a spouse or close associate that will trigger the emotions needed to will start you on your way to creating your "story" and setting up your life lesson circumstances.
Stage Five...Maturity..Forties through Seventies
This stage is where we discover what is really important. We become enlightened seekers in the area of our passion. We have survived the times of raising children. This is a stage where we learn to allow and draw to us the things that bring us joy. Life begins at 50 is a phrase that many repeat during these times.
This can also be a time when the life lesson may be reactivated bringing up old stuff that we had thought we had dealt with. We re-define our relationships with everything and everyone around us. This can appear as "mid-life crisis" but it is a re-evaluation of everything in one's life. Old relationships and possibly marriages end as a resultof this process of priority examination.
It is also the time when spirituality develops if it hasn't already. We start to look at the big questions of what life is about.
Stage Six...Simplification..Becoming Childlike:
This is a very important stage of life. It is where we prepare for the final transition. Many of the illusions of life have been removed and we now choose simplicity. This stage may be short or it may go on for years.
Matthew 18:3 And he said: " I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children,you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Adopting a simple childlike attitude enables the final stage to complete the process.We see older people becoming more dependant. We watch our parents become children again.This is not a negative event but one to be celebrated not dreaded. It is a natural occurrence at the end of a lifetime. People who fail to become like this can experience mental or physical effects that can push them in this direction i.e. Alzheimers and other like conditions help the soul to accomplish this.
There are people that fight this transition and will live an extended period of physical or mental pain that affects all the people around them. The loved ones watching will often be wishing for the end to come for the good of all.
The second transition, death, is much easier to experience. We only have to deal with the fear of the unknown. There is an important part of this transition and it is a contract made with someone close to the heart. That person gives permission to leave with the final contract being acceptance of this permission.
Stage Seven...Acclimation..Incorporating Life Experiences into the Core:
This is the stage of life where a soul reviews all choices, experiences, actions and results. This is called life review, judgement day, purgatory and many other labels. We evaluate whether we have mastered the primary life lesson that we came in to achieve. All experiences are remembered as a joyous human experience. Even the pain is recalled as a joyous event.
As we revisit every experience we will decide which ones to incorporate into our core personality and which ones to reject.
Well, if you are still reading this then hopefully you gained some insight into a perspective of life that is at the heart of the Overlight process. Even one small part that may answer some questions for you about what this human experience is all about.
There is really only two questions that need to be asked in the seventh stage of life and those are;
Did you dance in your passion?
Did you play in your joy?
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