Friday, November 23, 2007

New Kids New Humans

Humanity is changing. Humans are evolving into the next level of consciousness. My last series of articles describes what human behavior will be like on our new planet. I have repeatedly stated that this shift is happening now. We have the ability as adults to have, as scientists call it, a spontaneous genetic mutation which totally changes the coding of our DNA, awakening us to a whole set of deeper truths. But the true evidence for me of the shift happening now is the emergence of "the new kids."

These children even have a name. They are called Indigo kids. Some call them Crystal Children. Whatever the label the descriptions are all the same. These children are different. They come into this lifetime with a totally different wiring. They have the attributes that I have described in past articles about the new human. Has anyone noticed how the kids have changed? It started in the 80's but since the early 90's people have started to take notice and have given them labels.

These children know who they are. They are ready to accept the attributes of the enlightened human. They know they are pieces of god and therefore powerful creators in their own right. They have no fear. They understand that guilt is an illusion so the old way of trying to "control" them through guilt doesn't work. They don't judge others as they know that judgement is not real. They are allowing of people that many label as different. They grasp the concept of being one with all. We can't make them behave. They have no fear of consequences. They are loving. They desire peace in all interactions.

I realize that these are wide sweeping generalizations, but I am looking from a wide perspective with the knowledge that they are the new human. They don't need to master the life lessons that previous generations have needed to do. They are masters already. They are our teachers. Unfortunately we, as adults, like to think that we know better.

Every segment of society is having an interesting time dealing with the new kids in their own way. If we could just understand that they are here to show us the way into the new paradigm of human behavior instead of fighting to make them conform to the old ways, everyone would have an easier transition. One old way that seems to be putting up a fight is our school systems.

The old energy way of reading, writing and arithmetic has been with us for a few hundred years. Change in that system is very hard to accomplish as it is so ingrained. The Indigos are exercising their power by refusing to conform to the old ways of being told that the material that we try to fill them with is valuable for them to learn and essential for their success in life. They know better.

They want to learn what interests them, not what others tells them they must learn. It ends up being a constant struggle for the teachers and administrators to try and "control" children into behaving as they want them to. With the attributes of being "fear less" and knowing that they are the creators of their life experiences, children are making it very difficult to maintain the old energy traditions. Schools are turning to the medical profession to help them.

The new childhood condition - ADHD. The favorite diagnosis for children who just won't conform to classroom behavior. Of course they have attention deficits. They don't want to learn about George Washington or whether x is to y as c is to d. They could care less. They are not going to pay attention to something that doesn't interest them. It's not like the old days where we behaved because we feared the consequences. They don't. So how do we control them.

We drug them. Ritalin or whatever the new drugs are that drug the children into being quiet, sedate robots. Is this what we really want to do? Could it possibly be that these children are different than what we were? Do we need to change the way we look at education?

Some schools like the Montessori are a starting model for a new perspective on education. They recognize that nurturing each individuals creative abilities, giving them choices of what they want to learn, is much more effective than trying to force children into learning what we think they need to learn. Governments and schools may want to read some of the literature that is being written about the new kids with the goal of looking at them with the possibility that they are different.

Doreen Virtue is one of the original authors of books on Indigo children. Care and Feeding of Indigo Children is a great book on how to live peacefully with the new kids. Jan Tober and Lee Carroll of have authored a couple of books on Indigos that are valuable to our understanding.

Spiritual Cinema has a movie called Indigo that gives us more insight into how wonderful the new human will be. James Twyman of has devoted many resources to prove to mainstream society, the existence of the new kids. The kids are amazing in their demonstrations of the power of creation that they possess.

The most important factor with the emergence of the Indigos is the parents. The toughest roles to play. We, as parents, have been given the opportunity to either fight them or join them, Anyone who is a parent of a child from 1990 to present may better understand what I am discussing. The old ways of parenting don't work.

Practicing the adage "like my parents did" will just create havoc in the family environment. The kids are our teachers. They will show us the way to enlightenment if we can only grasp the fact that things are changing. That humanity is evolving. That we are evolving from following the leader to following our selves.

These new children know that. Trying to force them to conform to old standards that worked for our parents will only meet resistance and from my viewpoint, a losing battle.

Parents, they have come into your life to help you. They are the peacemakers. They are the masters. If you can see that the gift they bring to you is a gift of awakening. They are an integral part of this shift for all of us. You have a front row seat.

Will everyone take a second look. Governments, schools, doctors, parents. All of us. Try viewing these children as I do. That they are our examples to emulate not rebels that won't conform to our tried and true standards. As the ancients called it, the shift of the ages, is happening now and the new kids are showing us the way.

They are ushering us into an era of unity, peace and abundance for all. They are the new humans. I choose to be just like them. Let's stop fighting the change and join them into a joyous new earth.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The End Of Humanity

The end of humanity as we know it. Human behavior shifting to a whole new paradigm. New humans on a new planet earth. Pretty wild talk!

Are we being given the opportunity to become a world where love, wisdom and compassion are replacing hate, ignorance and judgement? Are we evolving to the next step of human consciousness by stepping into unity consciousness from the present consciousness of duality. There is a lot of evidence from indigenous cultures and also from present day "new age" channels that would support a positive answer to this question.

The Hopi Indians have called this time we are approaching as "the days of purification." Many have prophesied this time as the "Great Shift of the Ages." Some religions have their own description of a time where the messiah will return. That messiah is us right now. Revelations in the New Testament describes a time that many translate as an end to the human race. This can also be translated as a new beginning for mankind if read from this perspective. The Hindu Yugas have shown that we are entering the cycle of awakening from our sleep into the Satya Yuga or golden age.

The most famous of these prophesies comes from the Mayans of Central America. The end of the Mayan long count calendar comes on December 21st 2012. This is the end of the grand cycle that has lasted over 5000 years. If we have the belief that life is eternal then this date may be looked at as an end but also a new beginnings. The circle begins again. If you listen to the Mayan Elders of present day they have told us that this is a time for a new human to emerge. A human that has the attributes of knowing that we are one with all things. That we can live in peace and harmony with each other knowing that we are all perfect. The time of realizing these truths is right now and according to the Mayans a mere four years from now.

There have been many masters throughout history that have left us clues to help us remember who we truly are. The most famous being Jesus and Buddha and Muhammad. All have told us to look within to remember that we are masters too. They anchored into human consciousness the potential for the changes in humanity that I have been discussing throughout this series.

Saint Francis of Assisi, the Sufi poet Rumi, Leonardo Da Vinci, William Blake, and many more, have all contributed to helping us through their works to see the truth of our being. More recently Albert Einstein, Edgar Cayce, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalia Lama, all have messages of empowerment if we choose to interpret them from that perspective.

Present day "new age" channels like Lee Carroll who channels Kryon has been giving us the information about now being the time for humans to wake up to a new way of being. Kryon since 1989 has been giving us the nudges to help us remember. Steve Rother, the channel for the Group, in his book "Remember" lays out the groundwork for us to know how the new human will be. Geoffrey Hoppe who channels Tobias has offered invaluable guidance for those who know that this lifetime is the most important lifetime in human history.

Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 when we chose to take the next step into the path of enlightenment many things have changed in our world. The Berlin wall came down. The Soviet Union harmonized with the west. The global communication structures like the Internet have brought us closer to each other, giving us the ability to see that we are all the same.

The integration of cultures that we are experiencing now is unmatched in human history. Quantum physics has revealed unseen dimensions and truths about the control we have over our reality. Science in general is uncovering clues to the concept of the unity of all things. With the invention of the computer the human knowledge base has expanded with unparalleled speed in the last 25 years. It is all contributing to the end result of awakening humanity.

The Earth herself is undergoing these vibrational shifts as well, evidenced by changing weather patterns, global warming and geological episodes that have no precedent in recorded history. Just as matter changes state with changes in temperature and pressure, the earth, and by extension, our bodies are affected by magnetics and frequency or vibration of our planet. The magnetic field around the earth is weakening. The vibrational frequency of the earth is increasing. Both these factors are allowing for us to change our state or perspective on our reality.

This is an involved topic which I will leave for another time. Suffice it to say that the signs of change are all around us if we choose to interpret them as signs that the great shift happening right now.

The intention of this article series is to describe the new human on the new planet earth. This is done from the belief that:

1. It is happening right now

2. That it is my path to be in service to others to help them with the transition.

There has to be living bridges to help others to cross into the new consciousness. Lighthouses that shine their light so others can see their way, but not interfere with their paths. Their is a recoding of our DNA that is possible right now. Science calls it a "spontaneous genetic mutation."

This is what I experienced seven years ago. I have no doubt that it happened. I became a completely different person with a total shift in my perspective on everything, virtually, in an instant. I know that if this transformation was available for me, it is there for all of us.

Ancient texts of the East have a name for the life of service that I am living now. It is called living the Bodhisattva. One who foregoes the ecstasy of heaven for the enlightenment of others.

This Prayer of the Bodisattva describes how I choose my life to be.

Alone, in the presence of others, I walk through the waking dream of life.

Others see me. At first sight of recognition, they turn away, for they have forgotten.

Together, through the waking dream of life, we journey.

May the clarity of my vision guide your life in grace, for I am part of you.

May my action remind you of your God within, my action is your action.

May my breath become the breath that fills your body with life.

May my soul become the food with which to nourish and quicken you.

May the words from my mouth find a place of truth within your heart.

Let my tears become water to your lips.

Allow my love to heal your body of the pain of life.

In your most healed state, may you remember your most precious gift; your divine nature.

Through our time together, may you know yourself.

In that knowing, may you find your true home, your God within.

It only takes a critical mass of us to change the consciousness of all. Revelations says 144,000. I am hoping that I can help one heart to see that this is our true nature. If one heart takes what I am saying, examines the concepts and allows this shift in perception, then the intention of this series will be fulfilled.

It is happening. Of that, I have no doubt. The critical mass is being reached. There are too many prophesies and too many present day sources saying the same thing for me to discount the fact that the time for the new earth is now. If you are open to the signs, you will see the consistency of the message, as I have. Consistency, for me, denotes truth.

I truly believe that we know that we are one with all things. That we can see the perfection in all things without judgement. That attaching our selves to anything just weighs us down and stops us from being free. That happiness is an illusion and that the joy that we create inside in the present moment is the only achievable feeling. And finally, that we have the answer to the question that we seek from the minute we come into each lifetime. The question of "who and where is God?" God is within.

With endings come new beginnings. The end of humanity? Yes, but also a new beginning!

Welcome to you, new human.

Welcome to the new planet earth!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Searching For Happiness

The search for happiness. The dominate motivator for humans in duality consciousness. What is happiness? Where can we find it? Why does it seem so elusive? Why are we constantly chasing it? This article will attempt to answer these questions with the intention of showing how humans on the new planet earth will finally catch up to it.

Happiness can be a feeling or it can be a state of mind. Trying to define it is difficult. It is a subjective concept with everyone having a different answer when asked the question, "what is happiness?" Maybe it's the amount of money we have. Maybe it's whether we are loved. Possibly our status in society or if our job is a respected one. There is not one definitive answer to this question even though so many of us live every day in search of it.

How many times have you said or heard others say "I don't care about anything else, I just want to be happy." When hearing that statement I feel like asking them to define what that means but I don't, because I know that the answer is as elusive as the question.

People look for happiness in so many different places. They look for it in the things they own. They look for it in the relationships they have with others. They search for it in the activities they do. Some hunt for happiness in the careers that they choose. It can be a daily pursuit, always looking for that one thing that will make us happy. It is like a hunger. We feel the need to be happy like we feel the need to eat. We are looking to be filled up. If we just can get fulfilled then we will be happy.

Some people look for happiness in a Jack Daniels bottle or with drugs. Others feel sex will bring them happiness. Many feel they will find it at a shopping mall. The constant search for something that will create that feeling of exhilaration. Those "full of life" or "excited to be alive" feelings. Unfortunately these paths to happiness wear off quickly.

The idea of looking for happiness is always looking to the future. If I buy this home, I'll be happy. If I get this job, I'll be happy. If I have a child, I'll be happy. If I win the lottery, I'll be happy. Happiness seems to be always in the future and always conditional.

Yes, there are times when we feel like we have found happiness but inevitably something will come along to mess it up and make us lose it again. Sometimes when we think we have found it, we get so afraid of losing it that we create situations for our selves that let it slip away, often because we feel we don't deserve to be happy. Then we have to return to our search for it.

What is happiness?

The answer is ... there is no such thing! Happiness is an illusion. The definition of happiness is like a moving target. It is answered differently be anyone who is asked. It is so elusive because we think we know what it is and we know we want it, but it does not exist. So how could we find it. It is a concept that people look for outside of themselves.

If you have been reading this article series you will know that looking outside ourselves for anything that we think we need to be complete or whole is a concept rooted in duality. Living in the future is another. Is happiness something we can obtain in the future? Can we really find happiness in anything outside of our selves?

The human on the new planet earth will know that the chase for happiness begins and ends within us all. We will know that happiness is an illusion because it can't be defined. That feeling joy in the present moment is all that is real. That joy is not found in the amount of money we have or given to us by others or found in the things we own. Joy and the ability to en-joy can only be created within us and only be felt right now. Not in the future or the past.

As an example I have used before, I like to observe young children. They create joy within them selves in an instant. One minute they can be crying after a fall and the next minute they are laughing and jumping around full of joy. They have no need of anything outside themselves to create the joy and exhilaration that we are constantly chasing. They are en-joying every second of their experiences in the present moment. All one needs to do is look in their eyes or observe their smiles to know this to be true. As Jesus said we will have to become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven. Young children are the models of how humans will be in the new consciousness. Heaven is right here on earth. It is to be experienced every waking moment in the now not in the future when we leave this earth.

You may feel that this is an oversimplification of a complex subject but that is the beauty of life in the next step of our evolution. The concepts are simple like all universal concepts are. The knowing that we are one with all things. Understanding that we are God also. The elimination of judgement of people and events. Losing the ties of attachments that weigh us down and hold us from feeling and being free. And finally, the realization that happiness is an elusive, undefinable concept that is easily replaced by the real feeling of inner joy created in the present. You can't be in joy (enjoy) in the future. Life will be simple. These attributes blend and overlap to produce a harmonious inner peace that we, as the truly spiritual beings we are, will experience on the new planet earth that we are creating right now.

We will satisfy that empty feeling that motivates the chase for happiness by filling our selves with spirit. When we are filled with the knowing and the answers about who we are and why we are here, there will be no need for anything external to create the feelings of joy and inner peace that we so desperately search for in our present consciousness. We will look back and laugh at the things we thought we needed to do to obtain it. We will know that the pursuit of happiness was a chase with no end because we will realize that happiness never really existed.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Story of Attachments

When I awoke in June of 2000, the freeing from attachments was the only aspect of my shift that progressed in stages. The first part was easy. Ridding myself of any attachment to material objects was almost immediate. I was a frequent traveler to the dump as I had lots of "stuff" to dump to lighten my load. I was lucky in that I had never really had a need to buy things or have any inanimate object that I was endeared to. I must have learned this lesson in a previous lifetime.

I had a large house that was filled with things accumulated for 20 years from five children and a wife that loved to buy things. My untying from things was not done with an indifference to having stuff but was done with an obsession to free myself from having to look after it and see it everyday. I needed to declutter my life and my space around me. I didn't even know what fen shui was but I could certainly feel the desire for free flowing energy. So as I said, it was easy to rid myself of the things that felt like they were attached to me. I eventually got down to a suitcase of clothes and a guitar and had never felt so free.

The next aspect of freeing myself was to free myself from expectations. Planning was something that didn't make any sense to me anymore. I realized that plans and the expectation of outcomes were concepts that I had previously been attached to. It is common human behavior to plan but of course along with my awakening came the knowing that I wasn't human but a spiritual being, so human behavior didn't make sense anymore. Eliminating my attachment to the future and just allowing things to unfold as they will was a tremendously freeing experience.

Living in the moment without dwelling in the past or worrying about the future made it possible to quiet my mind giving me the ability to enjoy every second as it was presented. A huge factor to obtaining the inner peace that was present for me.

It was hard on the people around me though as they were all used to making plans. I would never commit to being at any activities that were in the future, preferring to wait till the moment to choose the action to take. It wasn't long until I was no longer asked or invited to any pre-planned events. It works so much better to just watch and see how things line up before choosing whether to act. Looking for the flow of events that is always present and following it.

My attachment to people followed next and was really almost simultaneous to the other aspects of my complete shift of perspective. This form of attachment has a few layers. The attachment to a mate or spouse is one part that can be easily understood and reasoned.

I didn't have a spouse at the time of my awakening but a few months later I was in a relationship with a person that had a tough time with my perspective of being unattached. This behavior, from a human perspective, can appear as uncaring, but it's essence is not from an attitude of indifference but from the knowing that each person is an entity of their own god self and whether they choose to stay with you or not is their sovereign choice. The outcome of this relationship for me was not something that I was concerned with one way or the other.

Whatever would happen in the relationship would produce a feeling of "and so it is." This is not the norm and ended up being the cause for the ending of our relationship. This attitude makes it difficult to be with anyone that doesn't share my attitude about how a relationship is experienced.

As I have discussed the attachment that is the hardest to grasp and the toughest to release is the attachment to "our" children. This form of attachment is firmly ingrained in human behavior and anyone that suggests the releasing of our children is usually written off as crazy or weird or both. And I have been called both by many that have known me. This attachment that I and the majority of parents have, took me almost three years into my awakening process before I realized that what I was doing was no different than any other form of attachment that I had previously examined and released.

I traveled to Kona, Hawaii in March of 2003 to take my first Overlight training. I was bringing my two daughters aged 17 and 19 over to spend a couple weeks in Waikiki after my time in Kona. I had been very lucky as a child. My parents loved Hawaii and took our family there several times. I had great memories of my times in Waikiki and wanted the girls to get a taste of what I had experienced as a young adult. I had booked a hotel close to the beach and had formulated a vision of how it would be. I was attached to the expectation of them doing everything I had done.

It was March in Canada with below freezing temperatures and I wanted them to bask in the sun and enjoy the 80 degree weather. I wanted them to enjoy the beach and meet new people from faraway places. Enjoy the beautiful scenery. Play in the sand and surf. All the wonderful things that I enjoyed as a youth.

17 and 19 years old. Great ages to experience a new place.

All they wanted to do was party all night and sleep all day. They didn't even see the sun for the first week. The air-conditioned room and the TV were the only scenery they took in. This caused me frustration. Frustration was not something that was part of the whole enlightened perspective that had become my life since 2000. I tried to get them to change their schedules. To get up and go to the beach and enjoy the sun and ocean. I beat my head against the wall for the first week.

Then it hit me. I was attaching myself to their experience. I was trying to get them to conform to my idea of how to enjoy Hawaii.

This was no different than any other aspect of attachment. I was carrying these expectations around with me. They were dragging me down. I realized that it didn't matter that my intentions for them were for "their own good", as is usually the case with parental intention. I came to the knowing that I wouldn't be free of attachment until I truly surrendered to the fact that they are their own beings. That I cannot change their experience in life to match what I expect it to be. That they will choose to do what they want to anyway regardless of what I want.

Why should I look at this any different than any other aspect of attachment. After this realization hit me I backed right off trying to control their time in Hawaii. I freed myself from attaching to my perceived expectation of how they needed to act to enjoy the vacation. Freed myself from carrying expectations of how they should be.

The last two weeks were wonderful for all of us. I regained my inner peace. They eventually started going to the beach. It was a great time and things after that flowed. This may not be a great example of the attachment we have to "our" offspring, but for me it was the final release that I needed to completely absorb the concept of freeing my self.

When we arrived back home I continued with this perspective and it made all our lives so much easier. With me backing off the incessant nagging for them to do this or do that just because I had thought it was the way to do things. It gave us all the space we needed to be who we were.

This didn't mean that I didn't care about their welfare, it simply meant that without the desire to control their lives, my interaction with them gained the flow that I had experienced in the other aspects of my everyday life.

It may be hard to look at children as attachments. But how can this form of attachment be any different? I have always found that there is a consistency to all the attributes of spiritual enlightenment. A consistency that applies, when tested, to any subject, no matter how ingrained it is or how unthinkable it is to discuss. Attachment to a car or a pet is one thing but releasing our children from us is a much more difficult subject to broach. Yet I believe that by untying the rope that ties our children to us, we empower them to be the spiritual beings that they are while freeing us to watch and enjoy them as their paths unfold.

As a attribute of humans on the new planet earth, the loss of attachment to anything outside our selves will allow us all to be free.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why Do We Say "My Kids?"

Just think about how clearer our minds would be without the burden of attaching to people and things. Eliminating from our thoughts and concerns the things outside our selves that we call "mine." Attachments, as discussed in the previous entry, play a huge role in the consciousness of duality that we are experiencing at present. The Christ consciousness of the new planet earth will bring us a freedom from attachments. A freedom from attaching ourselves to anyone or anything. There are a couple of more examples of what attachments are that I will describe in this article. The next one being the attachment to the past and the future.

The Future and the Past

Many of us are attached to the past. This attachment can cause a lack of awareness of what is happening to them right now. They desire to label or define themselves by things that have happened to them or others in the past. They live in the past. Some long to change the past. Most live in fear that what happened in the past can and will happen again. This fear inhibits them from enjoying life in the present. They have a blind spot when discussing things that are happening to them now because they relate everything to past experiences and outcomes. They are who they were and not who they are now. This attachment can become obsessive for them causing them great difficulties relating to people or events in the present.

The opposite form of this attachment is living life in the future. They have expectations of how things will be or should be in their lives. They always are looking ahead and planning what will be instead of enjoying what is. Of course with these expectations can come great letdowns if the results are not realized. Anxiety and worry about what if this happens or what if that happens control their thoughts and actions in the present making it impossible to relax and enjoy life in the now. This is a form of attachment that is abound with fear. Constantly playing the "what if" scenario can precipitate a never ending cycle of trying to foresee what "will" happen to them instead of seeing what "is" happening.

These examples of attachment are basically the same. They are fear based and inhibit the enjoyment of the present. They occupy a large amount of their thoughts leaving little time for seeing their present situation.

The new planet earth will bring an awareness that the only thing that matters is the present. The only thing that is real is right now. The past cannot be changed and the future is yet to be created so why even think about them. Can you imagine how much clearer our minds can be if we stop living in the past or worrying about the future!

The last example of attachment is the toughest. It is a concept that we have to really examine and dig deep to make sense of it and ultimately adopt. The attachment to "our" children.


As parents we like to think of children as "ours". Society dictates to us that we are responsible for their behaviors and the kind of people that they will become. We take ownership of them and attach their every word and action to us. In divorce situations they are often perceived as things that belong to one parent or the other. We have expectations of them. We impose our beliefs on them. We do not recognize their individuality until some law says they we can. We worry about what other people think of them as they are extensions of our selves. We spend sleepless nights worrying about what they are doing. When they don't act the way we expect them to we get angry with them and try to force them into doing what we think they should.

Why is this example of attachment any different than any other I have offered in these articles? Are children "things" that we own? Are they not human angels that create their own realities like we are? Can we really expect to change them to do exactly what we want them to?

Anyone that is or has been a parent may relate to this easier than someone who is not. Does it sometimes feel like we are banging our heads against the wall when we try to get children to live up to our expectations? When a child really wants to do something do they usually find a way? Can we tie them up in their rooms and watch them 24 hours a day?

This attachment causes more grief and worry to people than any other. We are programmed to believe that this attachment is one that can never change. It is our duty.

The new planet earth will bring an awareness that children are no different than anyone else. Age is an arbitrary number that means very little. They are individual souls with individual paths that they are creating for themselves. These paths are no different than an adults path. They have highs and lows and need to learn lessons just like any adult. They, to me, have more insight that lots of adults and I like to refer to young children as "real people."

I look at children and think that this is what the new human will be like. Uninhibited. Saying whatever they feel, not concerned with how they will be perceived by others. Thoroughly enjoying the present without any worry of the future or attachment to their past. Using their intuition to feel out people and situations. Great teachers for how to enjoy life and to be. Wise souls until we program them and fill them full of rules. How can we own them?

When we will realize that we can not change their path for them. All we can do is love them unconditionally and be there when they ask for help or guidance. But only if they ask, not to try to impose our will on them. We will realize that we do not own them just as we will realize we cannot own any person. When we realize that what they choose to do is not a reflection on our abilities as parents or people. When the practice of attaching the actions, the words or the outcomes of "our" children to us is seen as an futile waste of energy. When we realize the anxiety that we as parents put our selves through over our perceived need to be judged as "good parents." When the new human perspective of shedding attachments is here ours and the children's lives will enable us to be free to be.

As I have said, this aspect or description of attachment is the toughest one to examine and possibly change as we are so programmed to be "responsible" for our children. If we can only understand that by claiming this responsibility, it only serves to take the children's power away from them accomplishing imbalance for them and us as parents.


Attachment is ownership. Ownership of anything outside our selves will have no place on the new planet earth. When the Europeans came to North America in the 15th century and told the native people that they were claiming ownership of the land, the natives could not understand what that meant. They didn't believe that someone could own mother earth. The concept of owning anything was so incomprehensible to them that they, in most cases, just allowed it to happen without resisting.

Ownership breeds separation. It creates fences and borders. It starts wars to defend land. Separation is not a part of unity consciousness. Once we shift from duality consciousness to Christ consciousness, the practice of attachment will follow. Freedom from attachment to all things is the fourth attribute for the human on the new planet earth. The desire to be free from the need for "stuff" may be the major push that will evolve us into the next level of human evolution.

It appears to be coming to a head right now as more and more people are realizing that the accumulation of things doesn't give us fulfillment. We are getting very close to the critical mass needed for all of us to step up to next level. We will be doing this together. With all of us having the attributes that I have been describing in this article series. If we can eliminate all the examples of attachment that I have discussed, the resulting inner peace and quietness of mind that will follow will allow us to enjoy every second of every day on the new planet earth.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What Are We Dragging Around?

The new human will cut the ropes from the things that we drag around. Our minds will be quiet. We will have inner peace, free from worrying about all the things that tie us down now. With the shift to Christ consciousness we will be free to experience life in the moment without living our experiences in the past or future. To explain this concept, first there needs to be a definition of what attachments are and how they play a role in inhibiting us from the freedom that will be an attribute of humans on the new earth.

There are so many aspects to the description of what attachments are and how they affect us in duality consciousness that it may take more than one article to do it. Some of the examples of attachment will be controversial and tread on some deep seated beliefs. but as I have previously stated, the new consciousness will be a complete overhaul of our perspective and how we interact with each other. We attach our selves to things, to jobs, to spouses, to our children, to expectations and outcomes.

I will start with the most obvious example of attachment first and possibly the most talked about aspect of our society. The attachment to things.

In present day society the attachment to things is a huge factor in how we live our lives. We love to accumulate stuff. We protect our stuff. We worry about whether our stuff is OK and whether someone will take our stuff. We spend a third of our lives working to have the money to buy stuff. Countless hours are spent looking for stuff to buy. Our happiness sometimes hinges on whether we can buy more stuff. Our home, our cars, our things become a part of us. They are attached to us.

We take them with us wherever we go either by literally taking them or by thinking about them when we are away from them. A huge amount of our lives is spent on obtaining, thinking about, worrying and taking care of our stuff. We seem to love to amass it, store it and have to get a large truck to move it. What does our stuff do for us?

Does it make any real difference in our lives? Does it bring us happiness? Does it give us status in society? Does it make others love us more? Does it merit the importance we seem to give it?

Does it ties us down? Is it hard to leave our stuff from fear of something happening to it? Our stuff is attached to us. It can almost rule our lives if we allow it.

This practice of looking outside ourselves for things to bring us happiness has grown into an albatross that just hangs around our necks making us do many things that we probably wouldn't do if we didn't have the intense desire for accumulating stuff. What would our lives be like if we didn't have this stuff? What would we think about? What would we buy with the money from our hour intensive jobs?

I like to look at poor cultures in our world that don't have the access and ability to buy the stuff that we have in our so-called modern society. Are these people happy without a lot of stuff? They sure seem happy to me.


To gives us the ability to buy stuff we need jobs. We need to earn an ever increasing amount of money to be able to keep buying and storing this stuff. These jobs become so important that we get attached to them. We carry them around with us also. They define who we are. They define our status. We worry about losing them just like we do with our stuff. They also occupy a huge chunk of our thoughts and time in our days.

The next question that is usually asked after meeting someone after name is "what do you do?" They are attached to us like a badge that tells all who we are. They can also take over as the highest priority in our lives. Is what job we have really who we are? Is what we do more important than who we are.

This attachment to a job is merely the outcome of the importance we place on things in our daily lives. To obtain things we need to have money. To get money we need jobs. When we realize that things aren't important then our priorities and perspectives regarding jobs will shift along with them. This attachment to our job occupies a huge part of our psyche so to change our perspective on the accumulating of stuff will have a huge affect on our attachment to our jobs.

Now the controversial examples of attachment. The attachment to people.


Many words and cliches are used to describe our relationships to our spouses. We enter into wedlock. We tie the knot. Our better half. Marriage. The union of two people. These words all denote an attaching of two people together. The prevalent belief is that we are not whole without the joining with another. This concept is deeply rooted in duality consciousness where there is two separate opposite things. Male-female, good-bad, right-wrong. With this belief we look to join with another to attain this feeling of wholeness.

With that union there comes the feeling of ownership of the other. My wife or my husband. They are expectations of how the other should act. It can create feelings of possessiveness and jealousy. It can cause thoughts of fear of losing them or feelings of inadequacy or standards that are not lived up to. A myriad of negative emotions can result when we attach to another person.

The same things as my description of attachment to things can also apply with people. This example of attachment may be hard to understand but all attachment is the same. Attaching or trying to own another can cause disagreements as to which way each one chooses to go. If the other person doesn't live up to your expectations of how you think things should be then arguments often follow.

The result can be a separation from each other both figuratively and literally. Freeing each other, untying the knot that comes from this form of attachment. Seems the most successful relationships between two people is when they both recognize that they are whole unto themselves.

With the next step in human evolution, we know that we are god. That we are whole. That we have all we would ever need inside our selves. That we do not need anything or anyone outside of our selves to feel complete. That each person is an entity unto his or her own. Enjoying the time together but allowing each other to grow and experience things of their choosing. Accepting each other's choices in all things knowing that being and feeling free to follow one's desires is paramount to inner peace and contentment.

There are more examples of attachment that I will have to extend to another article for this topic. As I have said, this subject is long and possibly painful to examine. It touches areas of our beliefs that some may label as unthinkable for us to ever change to. The next article will discuss the attachment that we have to our children and how this attachment causes us endless grief and worry and prevents us from being truly free. To experience the freedom that we will have with the attributes of the human being on the new planet earth.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Do I Judge Myself?

I've done it again! Wrote an article. Published it. The next day it hits me. I forgot to include an important concept. In the article I described an attribute of human behavior on the new planet earth. It was called "Judgement Is Over". I neglected to talk about judgement of self.

Funny thing is that self-judgement is one aspect that has played a big part in my life. It is also a very common form of judgement and the cause of an impediment to inner peace. We are, in many cases, our own toughest judges. Self-judgement is the root cause of lots of imbalances within us.

We love to judge our selves as good or bad or right or wrong. Whether it is our behaviors or our perceived "status" in our families or workplace or society in general, this judgement can cause us great strife. Mental illness and sometimes even criminal behavior can result from labeling our selves as bad people or good for nothing.

One of the most popular examples of self-judgement is one that I hear all the time. It is the judging of whether we have parental approval. This practice of measuring up to our parents expectations can carry through with people their whole life causing them endless feelings of unworthiness. This feeling then overflows into many areas of their life and can cause problems with other relationships. When we carry the feeling that we have let our parents down and haven't turned out the way they had hoped, it can lead to escaping into self-destructive behaviors to avoid facing our judged inadequacies.

As was offered in the previous article, judgement is not only just an illusion but it can also be destructive. My father was the closest thing to God that I knew. He was God in my eyes. I ached for his approval in everything. I had a burning desire not to let him down. To live up to his expectations. Of course, as is usually the case in examples of this kind of self-judgement, he was totally fine with whatever I did and loved me regardless of my behaviors or achievements. But I was my harshest critic. I had a blessed childhood. I was a straight A student. Quarterback in football, Pitcher in baseball. Tops in anything I attempted. I had it all. Or so everyone told me.

Everyone but myself. I knew I didn't measure up to what my father expected of me. At 16 or 17 I escaped into all kinds of behavior that diverted me from the pressure of figuring out what my life's work would be. I could be anything. Anything I put my mind to. That was too much pressure.

I partied for 10 years. Then, never became Prime Minister of Canada or head of a large corporation or rich and famous or anything really noteworthy. I had let my father down. I didn't love myself. I was a failure in his eyes. Well maybe not in his eyes but definitely in mine. I didn't love myself. I didn't even like myself. The root was my belief that I was not worthy. That I screwed up. Self-judgement impeded my inner peace for many years. Until June 7 2000.

My father died June 7 1990. I woke up exactly 10 years later to the day. It was a personal trauma that jolted me out of my sleep. It was then I realized that I was God. That I was the creator of my own reality. My reality had been misjudged. These feelings of lack of self-esteem were groundless. The feeling that I had let him down was not reality. Sure, he was God, but so was I. He never once gave me any indication that I was anything less than perfect. It had been just me judging myself for all these years.

For the first time in my life, my mind quit nagging at me. All was quiet inside. There was no internal chatter. No telling myself I was stupid or useless. I had inner peace. It is a feeling I carry to this day.

I learned later, after my Overlight training, that my primary life lesson in this lifetime was "love." The love of self being the main component. Self-judgement plays a big role in the mastering of this life lesson. If you have judged yourself to be unworthy or "bad" then it is impossible to love one's self. Loving your self is needed to love everyone and everything around you. It all goes hand in hand with our step into unity consciousness and a new planet earth.

That day in June is the basis for this whole article series about creating a new planet earth. I believe that if it can happen to me it will happen to us all. We can all obtain the inner knowing that we are masters. We are like Christ. We are all stepping into Christ consciousness.

The practice of judgement will be over. We will have the attributes that I am describing in this series. The new energy will bring us the answers we seek to the meaning of life. Without judgement of self or others, the inner quiet and the ability to enjoy second of every day will become our reality. The reality on the new planet earth.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Judge Me Not

Judgement is an illusion. The human in the new consciousness of earth will judge no more. When we entrench the knowledge that we are one with all things along with the total understanding that we are the creators of our reality, then judgement will not make sense. How can we judge something or someone as right or wrong, good or bad when we know that we are that person or we have created the very situation we now so readily judge.

Judgement is an aspect of duality consciousness. We seem to need to look at a person or event and almost instantly judge it as good or bad. We need to put it in that box to set our minds at ease and to be able to make sense of it. Duality demands it. All things must be classified into these boxes of right or wrong. Take note of how many times a day that we judge things in this manner. Everything that is presented, whether its the person we see on the street, the news we hear on the media or the behaviors of the people close to us, requires us to use judgement. Instantly. How many times have you judged something as wrong that later, after getting more information, you changed your perspective to the opposite result. Judgement is a moving target. Who makes the rules? Is it society or the government or the church? Is there more than one rule book?

When I examine the practice of judgement I ask these questions. The answer I see is that every person has their own rule book. That's too confusing for me. Is there such a thing as "normal?" We seem to love to use the "norm" as our yardstick for judging what is or isn't. What is the norm? This confusion proves to me that judgement is an illusion. It not real. It is not definable. Too many different interpretations of normal or what is beautiful or what is ugly. There is no universal application.

Judgement is so ingrained in societal structures that it has evolved into being the main system that we defer to for guidance to ultimately decide right or wrong. Our laws and those that enforce them hold immense power over our daily lives. The government and judicial systems rewrite the rule book daily on the premise that "they" know what is truly right or wrong, good or bad and we allow them to have that power over us because of the duality consciousness that we are in. The concept of judgement does not work when the other aspects of the new earth are used.

A replacement for judgement that will be an attribute for us in the new energy of unity consciousness is the practice of discernment. It is a much easier, less confusing concept than judgement and can be applied universally to all things.


Discernment may seem a lot like judgement but it has some important differences. When discernment is used, the people or events that we are presented with are not judged as good or bad they just are. This stems from the knowledge of the oneness of all things and knowing that these things are created by us. Then with these understandings we choose to embrace them or not. If we discern that these things are not for us then we just leave them without the need to tag them as right or wrong, good or bad. Discernment leaves the power with us to decide rather than following a set of rules made up by others. And with that, allowing others to decide for themselves what will align with their path trusting that the outcome will be for the highest good of all.

Using discernment is the ability to see the higher purpose for events or behavior. Using the understanding that they are created to help us return to the knowing of our true selves. The ability to see God in all things and to know that we are God also. Knowing that the duality concepts are not real. That everything just "is." Not needing to attach the vibration of good or bad to things that are presented to us. The practice of discernment in place of judgement makes life so much easier and plays a big part in the attainment of the elusive "inner peace" that so many long for.

You may say that this will create chaos. There must be rules and structure or we will
destroy each other. With the new earth the attribute of discernment only works when all the aspects of the new consciousness are adopted. It is a complete change in the way we view our selves and our relationship to all things. There will be no hurting or lying or stealing. When have created this new world there will be no need for the things that we use now. No need for all the rules that we follow now. No desire to hurt another knowing that by doing so we are just hurting our selves.

Utopia? Pie in the sky? Maybe. I like to call it heaven on earth. This is where heaven is. We are creating it right now. We are really just remembering the fact that it is already created. Judging others has no place in heaven. There is no need for a rule book in heaven. The next stage of human evolution is upon us. We are raising our vibration into Christ consciousness, leaving duality consciousness and the mind set of judgement behind.

The Mayans say December 21 2012. I am not so convinced of specific dates. I am convinced that one by one we are waking up to these concepts and very soon we will all be enjoying life on our new planet earth...heaven on earth.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

We Are God

We are God, also. We are the creators of our own reality. I am God. You are God. God is in all of us. God is in all things. God is not some bearded entity in heaven that looks down upon us, pulling the strings of our life events, telling us which way to go and what to do and how to live.

The search for defining God has been a major focus since the beginning of recorded history. The consistent theme throughout has been that God was an entity outside of our selves that had control over every facet of nature and of human behavior.

Aboriginal cultures among others would assign a multiple of gods, each one in control of an aspect such as the wind, the sun, the water and so on. Yet all seemed to have had the concept of one supreme being or great spirit that would oversee all of creation.

One of the earliest uses of the one God concept was approximately 1500 B.C. when the Pharaoh Akhenaten united the Upper and Lower Nile Egyptians who worshipped a myriad of gods. Akhenaten outlawed the practice of polytheism, replacing it with the concept of monotheism. He used the image of the sun as God because he told them that the breath of life, the prana field, came from the sun. He was much hated by the priesthood of Egypt as they lost their power over the people by introducing this concept. Akhanaten told his people that "You don't need priests. God is within you." A concept way before its time and one that lasted a mere 17 years before the priests and the military poisoned him and reverted back to the worshipping of many gods.

The idea of one god was then revived by Abraham who is considered the father of monotheism. The experiences of Abraham are well documented in both the Torah and the Christian bibles but also the Holy Qua ran makes mention of the God of Abraham being the same as the God of Muhammad. Hinduism when examined also has Abraham's son Isaac as a source for their belief in the unity of the "one."

To this day religions are based on the idea of "one god" that is outside of us and that controls all things. The thought of us being God also is viewed as blasphemy in most religious doctrine today as that concept, if believed by its followers, would negate the power and control that is exercised by the various churches over us now. Sound similar to the priests of Egypt's attitude?

2000-2500 years ago Masters came onto earth for one purpose. To help us understand that God is indeed within us. Jesus, Lord Buddha and Muhammad, who basically covered all the peoples of the earth, gave us many similar messages of self-empowerment that told us that we were God. Organized religions have chosen to downplay these messages or to interpret them in ways that would cloud the meaning of them for the same reasons as previously mentioned.

Many masters since have given us the same messages through their music, art or writings, Notably St Francis of Assisi who said, "There are beautiful and wild forces within us." The Sufi poet Rumi,"If you put your soul against this oar with me, the power that made the universe will enter your sinew from a source not outside your limbs, but from a holy realm that lives within us." William Blake writes, "God became as were are, that we may be as he is. God is man and exists in us and we in him." There are hundreds of examples of this concept in ancient texts as well as all the holy texts of the world's religions.

In previous articles from this series I discussed Gregg Braden's God Code and the translating of the message from our DNA that God lies within. Replacing the four elements that make up all things, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which are all unseen and the one element, carbon, which has substance and can be seen, with the Hebrew or Arabic equivalents of the name of God adds further proof that God is within us. There is only one element different in our DNA than from the translated name of God in our DNA. That element is carbon, the element of substance.

This gives new meaning to the words of Jesus in Corinthians; "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that God dwelleth within you?" or in a later chapter of the same book, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you." The element of carbon gives God the ability to be seen by each of us and to become the vessel in which to reside.

The point of all these quotations is to show that the concept that we are God is not a new one. The interpretation of the quotes brings out new meaning when looked at from the premise of this article. We are approaching the next step in human evolution. We are remembering who we truly are. The idea that we are helpless puppets and need to follow the orders of the ones who know more or know what is good for us is coming to an end. The practice of following our inner guidance is replacing it. The knowledge that we are God is just one attribute that we will and are adopting right now to facilitate that step.

The proof is all around is from the decrease in the attendance of churches that have traditionally preached to us how to live our lives to the gaining popularity of "new age" philosophies whose messages are one of self-empowerment. The shift is happening now.

The world census of 2000 revealed that 95% of us believe in a higher power of some description. We come into this world searching for the definition of God. Of who we are and why we are here. That search has taken all kinds of twists and turns in human history but I believe we are evolving into the knowing that we are God. That we have the ability to create whatever we choose for our selves. That heaven is not some place where God resides and where we go when we die, but that heaven is right here within us. Right here on our New Planet Earth.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Unity With Mother Earth

Upon reading part 2 in the "New Planet Earth" series I realized two things. First, it is a very intricate concept and one which I have a lot to say. As I have stated the concept of unity is also very important in us all taking the next step in our evolutionary process. A 2400 word article is long for this application and yet not long enough to really give a thorough explanation of all the aspects I mentioned in it. I probably should have made it a complete series on it's own to really do it justice.

Secondly, I realized that I failed to discuss one major factor in our understanding of unity. The realization that our mother earth is a live being. That we are composed of the same stuff she is. That she feels love and communicates with us in so many non-verbal ways. The right-brained people will understand this statement better than left brainers as they usual will have a tendency to feel the real connection with the earth.

So, in this article I wish to expand a couple of topics that beg for the clarity that I hope it will give. The first topic is the grids that hold our consciousness in place. These grids I speak of are not the magnetic grid that is recognized as the directional guidelines for so many creatures to navigate their particular migrational paths.

These grids; the primal grid - the duality grid - the unity grid are crystalline in composition. They look like a spider web hence it is often called the webs of consciousness. They serve the purpose of determining our mass consciousness. Our reality. How we relate to ourselves and the world around us. They effect our memories. They have an electro-magnetic aspect which is the physical reason that they can do this. Our memories and our actions are greatly effected by magnetics. Look at full moon time when the magnetics of the earth are altered. What happens to many of us? Just ask a policeman. We are affected.

The duality grid as I have said gives us our "rule book" for our beliefs and actions. This grid is often called "the veil" as it inhibits our memory from opening up to who and what we truly are. This grid and the primal grid have been our guides since the beginning of known human history. I say both because with consciousness shifts both are integrated. We don't use the second one without keeping aspects of the first also. The basis for this series is that I believe we are going to be accessing the third grid.

The term that gets thrown around a lot is "the veil is lifting". Well that term may sound new-agey, and it is, but the reality is, that is exactly what is happening. When we all access the Christ grid it completely changes our perspective on everything. With these changes we will be able to see clearly that we are god also. All the concepts I am introducing is this series will become common knowledge. This includes the concept of unity, but it takes a critical mass of our population to truly believe these ideas before we will all adopt them as our own. Right now there is an ever growing amount of people on this earth that are experiencing this shift. We just need to get to our biblical 144,000 for us all to shift.

Again, so much more to say and I have possibly just created more questions with this further explanation of the grids. With the Christ grid, when our veil of forgetfulness lifts and allows us to see clearly, our sameness and divinity, the concept of unity will not only become easily ingrained but an essential element of our beings on the new planet earth.

The presentation of the information from Gragg Braden's God Code I feel needs more discussion. Reading the whole book ,of course, would be the most beneficial to the understanding of this very important discovery but I will expand this concept with the intent of giving clarity to the understanding of unity.

Gregg uses the ancient science of gematria to explain how he arrived at his conclusion that the message that God is within our bodies is coded in our DNA. Gematria is basically the practice of using numbers instead of letters to describe and compare things. With language the meanings can be interpreted in different ways. With assigning number values to letters the comparison then becomes "apples to apples" or common denominators, which then leaves no doubt as to the meanings. The rules of gematria state that when something has the same numeric value, it is then the same thing.

He uses one particular group of texts from the school of Kabbalah; the Sephir Yetzirah or the book of creation. In the Sepher Yetzirah, Gregg explains, is the information that explains the alchemy of creation. Through many direct quotes from this ancient text the message becomes clear. This text says clearly that God used fire, air and water to create all things. I will just skim over how he arrived at converting those elements to the modern elements of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen as it is a long process and reading the book would fill in the blanks.

Using gematria for these three elements from the periodic tables of atomic mass, hydrogen is 1, nitrogen is 5 and oxygen is 6. Just a brief explanation for the conversion from fire air and water... the air we breathe is 78% nitrogen, water is made up of 86% oxygen and fire or in alchemical terms the sun is composed up of 71 percent hydrogen. The fourth element that makes up all life is carbon. This is where we fit in as we are carbon beings. So if you add hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen the numeric value comes to 12 which can reduced to a 3. The atomic mass of carbon is 12 or 3. Many ancient texts say that we were created from dust...from clay... from the stuff of mother earth. Using the Cabalist text for reference, that god used the three elements to make man makes more "scientific" sense now for my left brain to acknowledge.

Each of the 22 consonants of the ancient Hebrew alphabet have been assigned a numeric value. The Hebrew word for heaven, using gematria, adds to 395. The Hebrew word for earth adds to 395. With the rules of gematria heaven and earth and one and the same. Many texts describe humankind as the bridge between heaven and earth. So throughout our lives, the qualities of both realms are merged into one as they are the same. When we transition our bodies return to the earth and our souls and heaven are already one. This gives meaning to all the references of us being eternal as our energy merely changes form it does not end.

The point of this long explanation is to help you see that we are one. How can there be any difference in us if this information that has been given to us from ancient wisdom is to be believed?

Which then leads to the understanding that we are one with our mother earth. She is our mother. She bore us. We are made up of the same stuff she is. There is no separation. If we can understand or at least examine for ourselves whether this information rings true then how can we possibly want to hurt her. How can we not honor and respect her as we do our earthly mothers.

She does communicate with us if we only choose to listen. She shows us when we are being destructive with her. She gives us never ending unconditional love She supplies our shelter.She lifts our souls with her endless display of beauty. She supplies us with everything we need to nourish our bodies and our souls. She produces all things necessary to heal our diseases. She takes our bodies back when we leave and transforms them into wondrous things. She does all the things that a loving mother can possibly do for her children.

Unity is our future. It is our solution to all of the trials and tribulations that have followed us in our history. If history is examined, all the incidences of death and destruction have their roots in the idea that we are separate from each other and all things. With unity consciousness will come a period of human experience that will be filled with love, compassion, co-operation and a deep realization that all is one.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Oneness - The Unity Of All Things

7/21/2007... This is an appropriate day to write this article. It is a 1 day, 7+2+1+2+7 adds up to 19 which becomes 10 which is 1. One in numerology is unity. The concept that we as humans are one with each other and all things. Unity is the first concept that the human will adopt on the new planet earth.

An easy statement to make but a difficult one to explain and equally hard for us to truly, in our hearts and souls, believe. My explanation could fill a book but in this article I will share with you my journey to the place of knowing that we are one.

My intent is not to convince you that unity consciousness is real but to merely pass on my experiences and perspective so that you may take what may resonate with you and leave the rest. In one article all I can hope is to create an impetus for you to examine how oneness may or may not make sense to you.

The unity concept is the foundation that gives clarity and understanding to the other concepts I will discuss in this series, so needless to say an essential aspect of our journey to creating a new planet earth.

Right Brain and Left Brain Dominance

There are two types of personalities in respect to brain dominance. Right-brained and left-brained. We all have both sides of course but I am speaking of one side or the other being dominant. This right or left brain talk is one more characteristic of the duality consciousness we are in now.

Right brained people look at things from the emotional, artistic, creative perspective. This is also described as the feminine aspect, although certainly not reserved to the female gender. A person that looks at things from a left brained or "masculine" perspective will want things to be logical, analyzing all questions, needing answers backed up with scientific proof.

It is much easier for right-brained people to understand this concept as they are the caregivers, the nature lovers, the artists and musicians. The people that can easily feel the love for all things. They can see that all things are connected much clearer than left brained people because they are motivated by feelings rather than reason. They have less need of a logical explanation of things and therefore can grasp the concept of unity because they have felt it with their children or their art or theirmusic. The idea of unconditional love for all things comes more naturally, mainly because they don't need proof that it is real, they just feel it.

Throwing around all these nice words like "unity" and "love for all things" and "we are all the same" may be alright for the feminine aspect of our selves but I can hear left-brainers saying "show me". I know, because for the majority of my life I looked at things from a left-brained perspective. It wasn't until I woke up in 2000 after a life changing event that my right brain woke up also making it easier for me to understand the idea that we are one with all things.

In this series I will be referencing the term right and left brain dominant because in duality there is a need to address both perspectives. I will be paying particular attention to left brain information as this kind of person needs the most validation.

Unity Consciousness

Even though we are in a consciousness of separation, unity is one thing that we as humans have ingrained in us from birth. Starting literally in the womb where mother is connected to child with the umbilical cord. This connectedness carries on with us into the unity of marriage, then family, then extends to race or religion. We can easily feel and understand this concept when we go that far in our description but once we start talking of things outside of that is where unity usually ends.

It stems from the fear of the unknown. From the lack of understanding and knowledge about a race or nationality. From seeing people as different if they have different skin color or have different customs or beliefs. Fearing them. Or judging them as not normal or possibly a threat to our families or way of life. When we are introduced to a cultureor person that is different from us we quickly recognize that there is no difference. How many of us has had that happen? Our idea of oneness is then extended to them. Taking away the ignorance of not knowing them immediately eliminates the fear.

This is the first step in expanding our consciousness out from our immediate sphere of experience. Factors that are accomplishing this result are the advent of global travel, mass media and of course recently, the world wide web. We can quickly and easily obtain information about different countries and people which is eliminating the fear of the unknown and allowing us to understand that the human race is all the same. Having basically the same experiences in life and because of global communications we are now able to reach out and interact with people all over the globe.

It has just been in the last century that this ability to connect globally has begun and I believe an essential part of us creating the new planet earth that I am discussing. It has been called mass consciousness and in history because of the lack of technology has been reserved to people inhabiting the small area in which they lived.

Now with mass communications it is possible to experience things from a global consciousness making the idea of unity consciousness much easier to accomplish. There is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. It is called a grid or web that surrounds the earth connecting all of us together. Have you ever had the experience of being with a group of people and you all had the same thought at once. We like to chalk those times up to coincidence but is there really any such thing as coincidence?

If you have ever noticed in nature how a species seem to practice non-verbal communication, seeming to know what the other is going to do. They do this because each species has their own web that they tap into that relays their intentions to each other.

There are actually three grids of consciousness surrounding the earth: the primal, the duality and the Christ grid.

Humans are at least as advanced (well, maybe) as any other species so why would the concept of a grid to precipitate human communication be so hard to believe. It has been known since the 40's of a geo-magnetic grid encompassing the earth that was there for unexplained reasons. This is the web that connects us together; the web of love. Funny that the Internet is also called a web as really the concept is the same.

After my awakening in 2000 when I was completely turned around to being right brained dominant. I totally believed that we were one with all things yet if asked I could not give any kind of scientific explanation fro my belief. As time went on and as I examined the unity concept my old habits of left-brained analyzing kept creeping in. Then I found two sources of information that quieted my left brain tendencies and gave me a clear understanding of unity consciousness. One was Drunvalo Melchizedek 2 volume series called The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life.

The Flower Of Life

Drunvalo gave me an extremely detailed scientific explanation of the creation of all things. His book goes into a detailed dissection of the sacred geometries of the flower of life. That in this symbol is the blueprint for all of creation. Explaining the Genesis pattern, showing me how all things in the universe were created from the same beginnings. That we are all made from the same stuff. Perfectly logical explanations for why we are one and how we came to be.

He also gives a detailed look at Leonardo Da Vinci's canon and a canon drawn by Vitruvius, a Greek engineer 1600 years earlier, which illustrated the creation of all things and the levels of consciousness that humans have been in and are going to. How all things in nature followed these patterns of creation with using the Fibonacci series as there guide. How the geometric ratios that are in our bodies are replicated in nature, in the ratios of the pyramids in Egypt, the earth, the moon, the orbits of the planets, in all things. Lots of pretty huge concepts but amazing left brained stuff.

Drunvalo also gets into the creation of the three grids of human consciousness. The first grid or first dimension being the primal grid or aboriginal grid. The second is the duality grid of which we now use even though their are still native cultures that use the first grid as their perspective on being. The duality grid's geometry is male oriented which is the reason for the male dominance of our cultures throughout our recorded history. The third grid is the Christ grid or unity grid which is a balanced grid of male and female influences or simply put, unified. That's is where we are headed.

The primal consciousness believes in the concept of oneness with all things. This makes it a harmonic grid. In harmony with all things. The duality grid is disharmonic. Where the prevalent belief is separateness. This consciousness breeds wars and destruction which has been a common theme throughout our history. Where we cannot see the connectedness of all things. This aspect is the reason the duality grid is disharmonic. The third grid or Christ grid is where humanity returns to the concepts of unity, cooperation, universal love. Returns to a harmonic existence. Possessing the knowledge of our oneness.

Anyone who knows music knows that firsts and thirds are harmonic. These descriptions of each grid are not judgmental, just an explanation of attributes of each level of consciousness. This is a huge topic in itself but this article is long enough as it is so I will leave it there.

It was all I needed to satisfy my analytic brain. These are not books that everyone would enjoy. Especially you right brainers. It also helped that I was approaching this with a pretty solid belief that the unity concept was real. But if you can get through it there are so many topics discussed that I am sure there would be something in them that would help anyone in their understanding of unity consciousness.

The God Code

The second source that was instrumental for my understanding of the oneness of all things was the book by Gregg Braden called The God Code. Gregg had a career as a senior computer systems engineer in the aerospace and defense industry. How's that left brainers? He has written many books and is a New York Times best-selling author so his credentials are pretty main-stream.

He worked for 12 years to come up with this information with the intent of furthering people's understanding of the oneness of all things. He unearthed a remarkable discovery that he shares with us in this book. He applied the biblical alphabets of Hebrew andArabic to a modern chemistry analysis of our DNA to reveal a code that gives us a clue to the mystery of our origins. Using the elements that form our DNA: hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon or as the ancients called them fire, air, water and earth, matching their numeric values to the values of the letters in these languages Gregg showed that there was a message encrypted into every cell.

The message reads God/Eternal within the body. Expanding the translation it means humankind is one family united through a common heritage. Preserved within each cell of every human being, this message is repeated regardless of race or color or religion or ancestry. This code is so universal that the identical message can be translated into Hebrew or Arabic, the two oldest present day languages and obviously the two peoples that have the most to gain from accessing this message of unity.

Gregg says "The discovery of God's name within the essence of all life demonstrates that we are related not only to one another, but also to life itself, in the most intimate way imaginable. From a single blade of grass, to the vast expanses of uncharted rain forests; from a fruit fly peering at us through the many facets of a compound eye, to the piercing stare from our nearest primate relatives-any logic that preys on our differences ultimately dissolves with the evidence that all life is made from the chemical equivalent of a single name. With such a common bond, we are given a reason to look beyond the issues that may have separated us in the past."

The End Of The Journey

That has been my journey of discovery to truly believing in the oneness of all things.As I said this is the foundation to adopting some of the other concepts that will follow in this series. Knowing that I am God also is rooted in the knowledge that God is in all things. Releasing judgment becomes easy when I know that you are me and I am you. That I am the same as that fly on the wall or the flower on the stem. How can I judge knowing this. I have discussed the concept of unity in respect to things outside our selves but I have not mentioned the most important part of unity consciousness.

The unity of one's self. The harmonizing of all parts of our selves. The knowing that we are not right brained or left brained or that our body is separate from our mind or spirit. That all pieces work in harmony and co-operation. That we are neither male nor female. Just like god who is neither male nor female. That we are not broken up into separate parts battling each part for control over the other. That the mind is an integral part of the whole and not to be judged as the controller of actions and therefore viewed as non spiritual compared with actions from the heart. When the conceptof competition is released from our consciousness it includes any competition within ones self. One entity working with love and compassion for the good of all.

That is the essence of unity consciousness. That is the result of us remembering who we truly are and how we relate to all things. The time for this remembering is right now, in our lifetime. We are creating a new planet earth. A new world. And as Louis Armstrong once sang, "What a wonderful world it will be."

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Planet Earth Series- The 5 Attributes

The New Planet Earth. You are probably wondering what I mean by such a statement. "What happened to the old planet earth?" You might say "Is there more than one planet earth?"

I believe that we are in the early stages of going into the third step in human evolution. This is not a literal remaking of new dirt but a complete paradigm shift of how humans interact with themselves and all things around them. The intent of this article series is to describe the human attributes of the new planet earth from my perspective and to assist others to possibly examine their lives giving, them hope for the future of us all.

The first step or first dimension consciousness had similar attributes to the stage we are shifting to now. The belief was that we were one with every living thing including mother earth and father sky. One difference is that in the first step we looked for God outside our ourselves and believed there was a god that controlled all aspects of nature.This can best be seen in aboriginal cultures and still exists today.

The second step or duality consciousness is the stage we have been in as humans for thousands of years. Some attributes of the second dimension include concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, male and female, God and the devil, heaven and hell. All concepts that have an opposite attribute to each other. In duality the shared belief is that we are separate from each other and all things. Whether it be individuals or countries or races or nature or the earth, we feel that we stand alone. The adages of survival of the fittest, I am stronger, faster, smarter than you, I live the right way and you are wrong, are aspects of duality consciousness.

Duality by its very nature brings with it concepts of competition, of attachment and ownership of people and things, of judgement of right and wrong, good and bad.It also carries the belief that "they" control our lives. Everything that is outside ourselves like governments, society schools, laws, God, religion, doctors, authorities of any kind are to be followed and obeyed. Described by the adage of "follow the leader". The belief that we are in this alone and have to fight for what we desire. Seeking happiness and fulfillment outside of our selves. Comparing our progress by certain standards that "they" dictate to us from birth.

The third step or third dimension, which some have labeled unity consciousness, Christ consciousness, the great shift, ascension, enlightenment, etc. have a set of attributes that is a total overhaul of the way humans react and relate to each other along with the relationship that we have with all other things. We will go from a belief of "following the leader" to one of "following our selves".

Here is a list of concepts that will form the basis of the next stage. We will list them here with a short description but will go into detail about each attribute in separate articles for the series called "The New Planet Earth."

1. Unity...This is the knowing that we are all made up of the same stuff and therefore there can be no separation. We are connected to each other and all things. We are one with the earth, the animals, the plants, the waters, the sky, the moon, the universe.We are connected with an invisible web of love that allows us to feel an unconditional love for our self and by extension for all things.

2. We are God also...The knowing that we are the creators of our own reality. As Jesus Christ and Buddha and all the masters of human history have told us that we are like them. We can do and feel all the same things that they did. That we are all pieces of God, and that God is within not only all of us but in all things. With this knowledge there will be no need to look outside ourselves for anything.

3. Releasing Judgment...This is the natural progression of a concept that will fall away when we remember who we truly are. How can we judge when we know that we are all the same. That right and wrong is an illusion of duality and that nothing is good or bad it just is.

4. Attachment...This is an easy concept to explain but a very difficult one to truly believe. When we take ownership of something outside of our self we then carry that around. We become responsible for it yet have no control over what happens to it. It is pretty easy when explained in relation to my house or my car or my stuff but gets especially difficult when the subject of my kids or my wife/husband or my sister is considered in terms of attachment. We love to feel that attachment to the people part of our lives yet by doing this it sets up a myriad of feelings from not being able to "make" them be how we expect them to be. We will explore new energy relationships in this segment.

This concept will be explained in great detail in the series as it is a very hard concept to grasp.

5. Happiness...The final entry in the series will discuss what happiness is and where it comes from. It is the one thing that humans in duality consciousness crave the most. And for good reason, as this is the one concept that seems to be so elusive and is the base motivation for everything we do. In this article we will discuss the concepts of living in the now, of having no expectations, of making no plans, quieting the mind and having inner peace. These are the five attributes of human behavior on the new planet earth. There may be more that others may be able to describe but these five sum up, when explained in detail, all the changes that the shift will bring.

It is an exciting time to be on earth. I truly believe that for this shift to happen we all have to do it together. We all have to jump on the ladder. My purpose is to be a lightworker. A lighthouse shining the light to show the way to anyone who wants to hear the message. Not trying to stop the boat from hitting the rocks. Just shining the light to help the ship see the path.

Not preaching or trying to convert. Merely giving my perspective and cheering everyone on. Being there to answer questions. To support, and to join hands with anyone who desires the change that I desire. I know it is happening. I can feel it. Together, we are in the process of creating a New Planet Earth.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Live Earth Made Me Cry

It was New Years Eve in 2000. I was sitting in my apartment, alone, watching television. There were tears flowing down my cheeks. No, it wasn't because I was alone. It was because I was watching the broadcast of new year's celebrations from the major cities around the globe.

It wasn't sad crying, it was a happy, loving cry. I felt a love for my fellow human being like I had never experienced before. I had a realization that we truly were all the same. That there is no difference in us because of our skin color or culture or border or anything that has kept us from that realization in the past That there was no separation.

We had one unified purpose on that night and that was to celebrate the dawn of a new century together. It showed me that we experience the same feelings and emotions no matter who we are or where we are.

July 7th 2007 I experienced that feeling once again. 07/07/07. What an appropriate day to stage an event for the whole world to experience. In numerology, 7 is a spirit day.Spirit was definitely present on this day.

In case you don't know, I am talking about the Live Earth event that was masterfullyorganized, broadcast and attended from Australia, Japan, China, South Africa, Germany,The U.K., Brazil and the U.S.A.

Once again because of the wonders of modern technology just like back in 2000the world got to experience not just the home country celebrations but all of them in the chronological order of time zones starting with Australia.

The intent of the day was to raise the consciousness on the subject of global warming with a call to action to take a 7 part pledge to commit to changing our habits regarding energy consumption and to pressure our governments into changing policies with respect to environmental conservation and carbon emissions.

The figurehead of the movement was Al Gore, former U.S. Vice President and producer of the Oscar winning film called "An Inconvenient Truth".

But the day, for me, wasn't about Al Gore or even global warming. As far as global warming I believe that the solution will be found in alternative sources of energy.The four resources that are free, environmentally neutral and in never-ending abundance are the tidal power of the ocean,the sun, to a lesser extent, the wind and the substance that makes up a full 90% of the universe, hydrogen. All or a combination of these four sources would generate the world power needs without leaving the footprint that coal or fossil fuels do now.

No, the day for me was more validation that we are getting closer to the concept of unity consciousness. The knowing that we are all one. That we are all in this together. Together as a whole we can change anything we desire. If the attendance and viewer numbers for Live Earth are any indication of desire, I would say we want to change they way we treat our Mother Earth.

With this showing of singular purpose nothing is impossible. And to me, it doesn't matter what the purpose is, it's the demonstration of a unified voice, a unified heart.

Just think of the things we could eliminate in this world if we all felt like one family. Where what is happening to one member of our family is happening to all of us. Racism, war, corruption, competition, poverty violence against each other.

Nothing is impossible. It's events like Live Earth that give me the inner knowing that it is happening right now.

There I was. Sunday morning. Watching another piece of technology that is a catalyst for world unification. The world wide web. Watching Live Earth. Switching around the globe at the click of a mouse. Feeling unconditional love for everyone. Thinking back to that night in 2000. Alone again but comforted in the knowledge that I am never alone. My family is with me and I am a part of the whole.

And a tear rolled down my cheek.

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Overlight Process Part Five...Healer on the New Planet Earth

Modern medical science in our society has risen to an almost god-like status among us. We are running to the doctor at any sign of physical or mental discomfort. Relinquishing all responsibility for our healing to the medical system. It seems that this practice by all accounts is stretching the traditional health care system to the point of breaking.

The intent of this article series called "The Overlight Process" is to view healing from a totally different perspective putting the power back to the individual whereI believe it belongs. Instead of treating an imbalance with pills or surgery, Overlight looks at disease from a belief that these conditions are presented to us for the reason of attaining mastery of the primary life lesson and is a necessary part of life.

As previously stated, I believe that this total shift of perspective from giving our power away to doctors or healers of any kind to one of taking personal responsibility for ourselves in all aspects of life is happening right now.

I like to believe that deep down we feel that relying on the medical system to solve our mental and physical conditions is inherently unnatural giving impetus to the ever increasing use of alternative healing modalities that give us back the power and subsequently the responsibility for our own healing, like Overlight.

Being an Overlight facilitator comes with a set of parameters to follow that are a necessary part for anyone who practices Overlight or any other alternative healing.

These 12 suggestions allow facilitators to keep balanced while creating space for others to heal themselves.

1. Healing can only take place with each person holding their own power. The first and most important concern is to find ways to facilitate others without taking their power from them.

2. All facilitation must be by request. It is not possible to facilitate healing without their specific request.

3. It is only possible to facilitate healing with the highest intent. There is no secrets. and must allow our intentions to be fully seen.

4. As healers we understand that illness is not always a sign that something is wrong. Illness sometimes facilitates change and is only one state of health.

5. It is important to always speak our truth but in doing so know that truth is always a work in progress. We have to leave room for growth in the words we speak. We must honor all flavors of the truth no matter how different they seem from our own. Allowing other people to stand in their truth without being threatened by ours. Competition is an illusion of separateness that is no longer valid.

6. We must check our egos often and examine truthfully the motivations for our words and actions.

7. We must practice the art of discernment in making choices without judgement and only choose what things and ideas that nurture us.

8. Not be afraid to say "I don't know". Make space for empowerment of all and that none of us has all the answers but together, all of us has access to all the answers.

9. Know that the true strength of a healer lies in our vulnerability. If we share our mistakes openly then our perceived weaknesses will become our greatest strengths.

10. We must remember that we have no control over the thoughts that come into our head but have complete control over what stays there. Take responsibility for becoming the master of our thoughts and share the process with others around us.

11. Know that we all have the same base motivation. We are all looking for answers to the major life questions and remember that the easiest way to do that is to do it together.

12. Know that it is not possible to heal another. It is only possible to offer them the space in which to heal themselves, if they choose. We will not take responsibility for the healing of anyone but our self. Responsibility is the balance of power. We help people to take responsibility for their own healing so that they may hold their true power.

These suggestions were designed for Overlight facilitators but I believe they can hold for anyone who's purpose is to facilitate healing of others. This is the future of healing in what I call the new Planet Earth.

I hope that if you read all 5 parts of this series that all or even one sentence rang true for you and you could relate the information to something that you have experienced in your life. My intent with writing this was to offer an alternative for people who believe that there is more to this human experience than just getting by or enduring everyday life with that empty sentiment of "Is this all there is?"

I truly believe the concept that we are not just human beings wrestling with the idea of spirituality but, in fact, we are spiritual beings coping with the process of a human awakening.

This concept give us the knowledge that there are higher truths about life waiting for us to discover. Now that, to me, is reason enough to celebrate and enjoy every second of it.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Overlight Process Part 4..7 Stages Of Life

This is part 4 of the overlight series. If you read parts 1,2 and 3 and are still with me then this information may have been meant for you. Part 4 is where we will be getting very "woo-woo" so if you can, stay with it and you will see how it all fits together.

The entire human lifetime process is broken down into seven separate stages. Each stage has a purpose in the overall evolution of the soul. All seven stages have a specific purpose to enable the mastering of the 12 primary life lessons.

Stage One...The Planning Stage.. prior to birth.

This stage occurs prior to birth when we actually plan the life we are about to experience. It is during this stage that we ask certain people to play various roles tohelp us with the specific lesson we have chosen to work on in this lifetime.This stage is rarely remembered. The reason is if we did not have on a "veil of for forgetfulness in place, the game of life that we have come here to play would have very little meaning.

Stage Two...The First Transition..conception through the first year.

The most difficult transition we will make is the journey we take through the birthcanal. The process of birth is when the soul transitions into physical form by intentionally lowering it's vibration. This experience is the most dramatic vibrationalshift a soul will experience in physical form.

One of the first things that happens is to bond energetically with our parents or guardians, then with other family members and any other important people in our environment. As soon as these connections are made, the search for higher meaning begins. This stage and the next three stages of life are spent searching for a definition of God.

The first definition is to think that the parents or the caretaker is God. This is when the baby first looks to the omnipresent being hovering over them taking care of their every need as God. This is also where we get the idea that God is in the sky above us. It is at this time that we begin to look outside ourselves for answers.

We are also looking to connect with an "energy role model". This is someone with the same
wiring. It could be mother, father, aunt or the gentleman on the bus. If you think to your childhood memories there will be one person that will be remembered as very important to you and is often not the parent. The connection is made through eye contact and lets you understand that you are safe and everything will be okay.

Stage Three...Age Two through early Teens

As the soul gets comfortable in the human body it begins exercising power. This is also known as the "terrible two's". Now the scream that used to be a cry often becomes an expression of power.

This is the time we begin our relationships. It is through these relationships that we begin to experience our power. This stage is here we receive energy stamps.Energy stamps are events like emotional, physical and sexual abuse. These are directly related to our personal power. It is also the set up for taking our personal power in the years ahead.

These years are spent learning the art of creation in human form. The expression of personal power is very important in this stage. If one fails to express ones power, it is then possible to turn the creative energy inward. If our creations are rejected or forcefully overridden we usually learn that it is dangerous for us to express our power.

This stage is the set up for the tone of your lifetime and it doesn't have to be abuse it can be positive. The difference is it is harder to master your lesson witha positive experience. A negative experience is much more effective for learning.

Stage Four...Responsibility and First Maturity..Late Teens through mid Thirties:

Here we, as souls in physical form, begin to take our power by attempting to make decisions that direct our lives. We often rebel in this stage simple to exercise our power.

Nothing is sacred and all things are examined with a fresh perspective. Strong beliefs from parents and teachers are examined and possibly rejected in the new power of the first maturity.
We also learn that with power comes responsibility. We learn that personal responsibilityis the balance or trade off to personal power.

This is when the primary life lesson will begin if it hasn't begun already. A catalyst will be introduced into our experience such as a spouse or close associate that will trigger the emotions needed to will start you on your way to creating your "story" and setting up your life lesson circumstances.

Stage Five...Maturity..Forties through Seventies

This stage is where we discover what is really important. We become enlightened seekers in the area of our passion. We have survived the times of raising children. This is a stage where we learn to allow and draw to us the things that bring us joy. Life begins at 50 is a phrase that many repeat during these times.

This can also be a time when the life lesson may be reactivated bringing up old stuff that we had thought we had dealt with. We re-define our relationships with everything and everyone around us. This can appear as "mid-life crisis" but it is a re-evaluation of everything in one's life. Old relationships and possibly marriages end as a resultof this process of priority examination.

It is also the time when spirituality develops if it hasn't already. We start to look at the big questions of what life is about.

Stage Six...Simplification..Becoming Childlike:

This is a very important stage of life. It is where we prepare for the final transition. Many of the illusions of life have been removed and we now choose simplicity. This stage may be short or it may go on for years.

Matthew 18:3 And he said: " I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children,you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Adopting a simple childlike attitude enables the final stage to complete the process.We see older people becoming more dependant. We watch our parents become children again.This is not a negative event but one to be celebrated not dreaded. It is a natural occurrence at the end of a lifetime. People who fail to become like this can experience mental or physical effects that can push them in this direction i.e. Alzheimers and other like conditions help the soul to accomplish this.

There are people that fight this transition and will live an extended period of physical or mental pain that affects all the people around them. The loved ones watching will often be wishing for the end to come for the good of all.

The second transition, death, is much easier to experience. We only have to deal with the fear of the unknown. There is an important part of this transition and it is a contract made with someone close to the heart. That person gives permission to leave with the final contract being acceptance of this permission.

Stage Seven...Acclimation..Incorporating Life Experiences into the Core:

This is the stage of life where a soul reviews all choices, experiences, actions and results. This is called life review, judgement day, purgatory and many other labels. We evaluate whether we have mastered the primary life lesson that we came in to achieve. All experiences are remembered as a joyous human experience. Even the pain is recalled as a joyous event.
As we revisit every experience we will decide which ones to incorporate into our core personality and which ones to reject.

Well, if you are still reading this then hopefully you gained some insight into a perspective of life that is at the heart of the Overlight process. Even one small part that may answer some questions for you about what this human experience is all about.

There is really only two questions that need to be asked in the seventh stage of life and those are;

Did you dance in your passion?

Did you play in your joy?