Judge Me Not
Judgement is an illusion. The human in the new consciousness of earth will judge no more. When we entrench the knowledge that we are one with all things along with the total understanding that we are the creators of our reality, then judgement will not make sense. How can we judge something or someone as right or wrong, good or bad when we know that we are that person or we have created the very situation we now so readily judge.
Judgement is an aspect of duality consciousness. We seem to need to look at a person or event and almost instantly judge it as good or bad. We need to put it in that box to set our minds at ease and to be able to make sense of it. Duality demands it. All things must be classified into these boxes of right or wrong. Take note of how many times a day that we judge things in this manner. Everything that is presented, whether its the person we see on the street, the news we hear on the media or the behaviors of the people close to us, requires us to use judgement. Instantly. How many times have you judged something as wrong that later, after getting more information, you changed your perspective to the opposite result. Judgement is a moving target. Who makes the rules? Is it society or the government or the church? Is there more than one rule book?
When I examine the practice of judgement I ask these questions. The answer I see is that every person has their own rule book. That's too confusing for me. Is there such a thing as "normal?" We seem to love to use the "norm" as our yardstick for judging what is or isn't. What is the norm? This confusion proves to me that judgement is an illusion. It not real. It is not definable. Too many different interpretations of normal or what is beautiful or what is ugly. There is no universal application.
Judgement is so ingrained in societal structures that it has evolved into being the main system that we defer to for guidance to ultimately decide right or wrong. Our laws and those that enforce them hold immense power over our daily lives. The government and judicial systems rewrite the rule book daily on the premise that "they" know what is truly right or wrong, good or bad and we allow them to have that power over us because of the duality consciousness that we are in. The concept of judgement does not work when the other aspects of the new earth are used.
A replacement for judgement that will be an attribute for us in the new energy of unity consciousness is the practice of discernment. It is a much easier, less confusing concept than judgement and can be applied universally to all things.
Discernment may seem a lot like judgement but it has some important differences. When discernment is used, the people or events that we are presented with are not judged as good or bad they just are. This stems from the knowledge of the oneness of all things and knowing that these things are created by us. Then with these understandings we choose to embrace them or not. If we discern that these things are not for us then we just leave them without the need to tag them as right or wrong, good or bad. Discernment leaves the power with us to decide rather than following a set of rules made up by others. And with that, allowing others to decide for themselves what will align with their path trusting that the outcome will be for the highest good of all.
Using discernment is the ability to see the higher purpose for events or behavior. Using the understanding that they are created to help us return to the knowing of our true selves. The ability to see God in all things and to know that we are God also. Knowing that the duality concepts are not real. That everything just "is." Not needing to attach the vibration of good or bad to things that are presented to us. The practice of discernment in place of judgement makes life so much easier and plays a big part in the attainment of the elusive "inner peace" that so many long for.
You may say that this will create chaos. There must be rules and structure or we will
destroy each other. With the new earth the attribute of discernment only works when all the aspects of the new consciousness are adopted. It is a complete change in the way we view our selves and our relationship to all things. There will be no hurting or lying or stealing. When have created this new world there will be no need for the things that we use now. No need for all the rules that we follow now. No desire to hurt another knowing that by doing so we are just hurting our selves.
Utopia? Pie in the sky? Maybe. I like to call it heaven on earth. This is where heaven is. We are creating it right now. We are really just remembering the fact that it is already created. Judging others has no place in heaven. There is no need for a rule book in heaven. The next stage of human evolution is upon us. We are raising our vibration into Christ consciousness, leaving duality consciousness and the mind set of judgement behind.
The Mayans say December 21 2012. I am not so convinced of specific dates. I am convinced that one by one we are waking up to these concepts and very soon we will all be enjoying life on our new planet earth...heaven on earth.
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