New Planet Earth Series- The 5 Attributes
The New Planet Earth. You are probably wondering what I mean by such a statement. "What happened to the old planet earth?" You might say "Is there more than one planet earth?"
I believe that we are in the early stages of going into the third step in human evolution. This is not a literal remaking of new dirt but a complete paradigm shift of how humans interact with themselves and all things around them. The intent of this article series is to describe the human attributes of the new planet earth from my perspective and to assist others to possibly examine their lives giving, them hope for the future of us all.
The first step or first dimension consciousness had similar attributes to the stage we are shifting to now. The belief was that we were one with every living thing including mother earth and father sky. One difference is that in the first step we looked for God outside our ourselves and believed there was a god that controlled all aspects of nature.This can best be seen in aboriginal cultures and still exists today.
The second step or duality consciousness is the stage we have been in as humans for thousands of years. Some attributes of the second dimension include concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, male and female, God and the devil, heaven and hell. All concepts that have an opposite attribute to each other. In duality the shared belief is that we are separate from each other and all things. Whether it be individuals or countries or races or nature or the earth, we feel that we stand alone. The adages of survival of the fittest, I am stronger, faster, smarter than you, I live the right way and you are wrong, are aspects of duality consciousness.
Duality by its very nature brings with it concepts of competition, of attachment and ownership of people and things, of judgement of right and wrong, good and bad.It also carries the belief that "they" control our lives. Everything that is outside ourselves like governments, society schools, laws, God, religion, doctors, authorities of any kind are to be followed and obeyed. Described by the adage of "follow the leader". The belief that we are in this alone and have to fight for what we desire. Seeking happiness and fulfillment outside of our selves. Comparing our progress by certain standards that "they" dictate to us from birth.
The third step or third dimension, which some have labeled unity consciousness, Christ consciousness, the great shift, ascension, enlightenment, etc. have a set of attributes that is a total overhaul of the way humans react and relate to each other along with the relationship that we have with all other things. We will go from a belief of "following the leader" to one of "following our selves".
Here is a list of concepts that will form the basis of the next stage. We will list them here with a short description but will go into detail about each attribute in separate articles for the series called "The New Planet Earth."
1. Unity...This is the knowing that we are all made up of the same stuff and therefore there can be no separation. We are connected to each other and all things. We are one with the earth, the animals, the plants, the waters, the sky, the moon, the universe.We are connected with an invisible web of love that allows us to feel an unconditional love for our self and by extension for all things.
2. We are God also...The knowing that we are the creators of our own reality. As Jesus Christ and Buddha and all the masters of human history have told us that we are like them. We can do and feel all the same things that they did. That we are all pieces of God, and that God is within not only all of us but in all things. With this knowledge there will be no need to look outside ourselves for anything.
3. Releasing Judgment...This is the natural progression of a concept that will fall away when we remember who we truly are. How can we judge when we know that we are all the same. That right and wrong is an illusion of duality and that nothing is good or bad it just is.
4. Attachment...This is an easy concept to explain but a very difficult one to truly believe. When we take ownership of something outside of our self we then carry that around. We become responsible for it yet have no control over what happens to it. It is pretty easy when explained in relation to my house or my car or my stuff but gets especially difficult when the subject of my kids or my wife/husband or my sister is considered in terms of attachment. We love to feel that attachment to the people part of our lives yet by doing this it sets up a myriad of feelings from not being able to "make" them be how we expect them to be. We will explore new energy relationships in this segment.
This concept will be explained in great detail in the series as it is a very hard concept to grasp.
5. Happiness...The final entry in the series will discuss what happiness is and where it comes from. It is the one thing that humans in duality consciousness crave the most. And for good reason, as this is the one concept that seems to be so elusive and is the base motivation for everything we do. In this article we will discuss the concepts of living in the now, of having no expectations, of making no plans, quieting the mind and having inner peace. These are the five attributes of human behavior on the new planet earth. There may be more that others may be able to describe but these five sum up, when explained in detail, all the changes that the shift will bring.
It is an exciting time to be on earth. I truly believe that for this shift to happen we all have to do it together. We all have to jump on the ladder. My purpose is to be a lightworker. A lighthouse shining the light to show the way to anyone who wants to hear the message. Not trying to stop the boat from hitting the rocks. Just shining the light to help the ship see the path.
Not preaching or trying to convert. Merely giving my perspective and cheering everyone on. Being there to answer questions. To support, and to join hands with anyone who desires the change that I desire. I know it is happening. I can feel it. Together, we are in the process of creating a New Planet Earth.