Sunday, May 27, 2007

All You Need Is Love..Love is all there is!

I have asked many people to define for me the word "hate" and what it feels like. I have yet to have anyone give me a definition. It seems that there is none, so I say that the emotion of hate is not real.

Now on the other hand if I ask the same question of "love", I get a myriad of answers. Love comes in many forms and I believe that it is the only true emotion. Poets, songwriters and philosphers have, for centuries, written volumes of definitions for love and how it feels.

Love is the great motivator. Money is another motivator in our society but when someone does something strictly for money, I believe that all they get back is money. When something is done from an intention of love the results are a million times more rewarding and lasting.

The very first form of love, and I believe the most important one, is the "love of self". It is only possible to love another to the degree that one loves one self. The expression of love is difficult for many people. How many times have you heard people say they feel unloved and lonely. They desperately want to find another person to share their life with, but love seems to keep eluding them.

By telling themselves that they cannot be whole until another completes them places them in a love-less state. If they loved themselves and realized that they are whole, wonderful and complete they would attract the love they so desperately desire. The universal "law of attraction" is never more prevalent than with love. Be love and you will attract love.

There are so many forms of love; The feeling that a parent has for a child, the love that is returned for the parent, the love between friends, the love for God, the love of a pet, the love of an activity and of course the big one.. the love between two people.

There are so many people looking for love, but what they really mean is they are looking for someone to love them. I believe that instead of looking for a partner to love them they would be more successful if they concentrated on looking for ways to "give love". For it is through the act of giving love that we can set up the energy to "be love", and therefore, to "receive love".

The phrase “unconditional love” is thrown around a lot. It sounds warm and fuzzy but is it practised? Most of our relationships are based on conditional love. Even our marriage vows are a stement of conditional love. Can you love someone who has been unfaithful? Been abusive to you or another loved one? Can you love yourself if you do those same things?

This is the true test on unconditional love. The knowing that whatever happens the love does not waver. I believe that this “kind” of love is true love is a love and one that will last. It’s easy for someone to say ”I love you unconditionally” but can you do it? If one experiences this kind of love than they have experienced “true love”.

Love.. unconditional love.. "Is.. All There Is"


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