Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why Do We Say "My Kids?"

Just think about how clearer our minds would be without the burden of attaching to people and things. Eliminating from our thoughts and concerns the things outside our selves that we call "mine." Attachments, as discussed in the previous entry, play a huge role in the consciousness of duality that we are experiencing at present. The Christ consciousness of the new planet earth will bring us a freedom from attachments. A freedom from attaching ourselves to anyone or anything. There are a couple of more examples of what attachments are that I will describe in this article. The next one being the attachment to the past and the future.

The Future and the Past

Many of us are attached to the past. This attachment can cause a lack of awareness of what is happening to them right now. They desire to label or define themselves by things that have happened to them or others in the past. They live in the past. Some long to change the past. Most live in fear that what happened in the past can and will happen again. This fear inhibits them from enjoying life in the present. They have a blind spot when discussing things that are happening to them now because they relate everything to past experiences and outcomes. They are who they were and not who they are now. This attachment can become obsessive for them causing them great difficulties relating to people or events in the present.

The opposite form of this attachment is living life in the future. They have expectations of how things will be or should be in their lives. They always are looking ahead and planning what will be instead of enjoying what is. Of course with these expectations can come great letdowns if the results are not realized. Anxiety and worry about what if this happens or what if that happens control their thoughts and actions in the present making it impossible to relax and enjoy life in the now. This is a form of attachment that is abound with fear. Constantly playing the "what if" scenario can precipitate a never ending cycle of trying to foresee what "will" happen to them instead of seeing what "is" happening.

These examples of attachment are basically the same. They are fear based and inhibit the enjoyment of the present. They occupy a large amount of their thoughts leaving little time for seeing their present situation.

The new planet earth will bring an awareness that the only thing that matters is the present. The only thing that is real is right now. The past cannot be changed and the future is yet to be created so why even think about them. Can you imagine how much clearer our minds can be if we stop living in the past or worrying about the future!

The last example of attachment is the toughest. It is a concept that we have to really examine and dig deep to make sense of it and ultimately adopt. The attachment to "our" children.


As parents we like to think of children as "ours". Society dictates to us that we are responsible for their behaviors and the kind of people that they will become. We take ownership of them and attach their every word and action to us. In divorce situations they are often perceived as things that belong to one parent or the other. We have expectations of them. We impose our beliefs on them. We do not recognize their individuality until some law says they we can. We worry about what other people think of them as they are extensions of our selves. We spend sleepless nights worrying about what they are doing. When they don't act the way we expect them to we get angry with them and try to force them into doing what we think they should.

Why is this example of attachment any different than any other I have offered in these articles? Are children "things" that we own? Are they not human angels that create their own realities like we are? Can we really expect to change them to do exactly what we want them to?

Anyone that is or has been a parent may relate to this easier than someone who is not. Does it sometimes feel like we are banging our heads against the wall when we try to get children to live up to our expectations? When a child really wants to do something do they usually find a way? Can we tie them up in their rooms and watch them 24 hours a day?

This attachment causes more grief and worry to people than any other. We are programmed to believe that this attachment is one that can never change. It is our duty.

The new planet earth will bring an awareness that children are no different than anyone else. Age is an arbitrary number that means very little. They are individual souls with individual paths that they are creating for themselves. These paths are no different than an adults path. They have highs and lows and need to learn lessons just like any adult. They, to me, have more insight that lots of adults and I like to refer to young children as "real people."

I look at children and think that this is what the new human will be like. Uninhibited. Saying whatever they feel, not concerned with how they will be perceived by others. Thoroughly enjoying the present without any worry of the future or attachment to their past. Using their intuition to feel out people and situations. Great teachers for how to enjoy life and to be. Wise souls until we program them and fill them full of rules. How can we own them?

When we will realize that we can not change their path for them. All we can do is love them unconditionally and be there when they ask for help or guidance. But only if they ask, not to try to impose our will on them. We will realize that we do not own them just as we will realize we cannot own any person. When we realize that what they choose to do is not a reflection on our abilities as parents or people. When the practice of attaching the actions, the words or the outcomes of "our" children to us is seen as an futile waste of energy. When we realize the anxiety that we as parents put our selves through over our perceived need to be judged as "good parents." When the new human perspective of shedding attachments is here ours and the children's lives will enable us to be free to be.

As I have said, this aspect or description of attachment is the toughest one to examine and possibly change as we are so programmed to be "responsible" for our children. If we can only understand that by claiming this responsibility, it only serves to take the children's power away from them accomplishing imbalance for them and us as parents.


Attachment is ownership. Ownership of anything outside our selves will have no place on the new planet earth. When the Europeans came to North America in the 15th century and told the native people that they were claiming ownership of the land, the natives could not understand what that meant. They didn't believe that someone could own mother earth. The concept of owning anything was so incomprehensible to them that they, in most cases, just allowed it to happen without resisting.

Ownership breeds separation. It creates fences and borders. It starts wars to defend land. Separation is not a part of unity consciousness. Once we shift from duality consciousness to Christ consciousness, the practice of attachment will follow. Freedom from attachment to all things is the fourth attribute for the human on the new planet earth. The desire to be free from the need for "stuff" may be the major push that will evolve us into the next level of human evolution.

It appears to be coming to a head right now as more and more people are realizing that the accumulation of things doesn't give us fulfillment. We are getting very close to the critical mass needed for all of us to step up to next level. We will be doing this together. With all of us having the attributes that I have been describing in this article series. If we can eliminate all the examples of attachment that I have discussed, the resulting inner peace and quietness of mind that will follow will allow us to enjoy every second of every day on the new planet earth.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What Are We Dragging Around?

The new human will cut the ropes from the things that we drag around. Our minds will be quiet. We will have inner peace, free from worrying about all the things that tie us down now. With the shift to Christ consciousness we will be free to experience life in the moment without living our experiences in the past or future. To explain this concept, first there needs to be a definition of what attachments are and how they play a role in inhibiting us from the freedom that will be an attribute of humans on the new earth.

There are so many aspects to the description of what attachments are and how they affect us in duality consciousness that it may take more than one article to do it. Some of the examples of attachment will be controversial and tread on some deep seated beliefs. but as I have previously stated, the new consciousness will be a complete overhaul of our perspective and how we interact with each other. We attach our selves to things, to jobs, to spouses, to our children, to expectations and outcomes.

I will start with the most obvious example of attachment first and possibly the most talked about aspect of our society. The attachment to things.

In present day society the attachment to things is a huge factor in how we live our lives. We love to accumulate stuff. We protect our stuff. We worry about whether our stuff is OK and whether someone will take our stuff. We spend a third of our lives working to have the money to buy stuff. Countless hours are spent looking for stuff to buy. Our happiness sometimes hinges on whether we can buy more stuff. Our home, our cars, our things become a part of us. They are attached to us.

We take them with us wherever we go either by literally taking them or by thinking about them when we are away from them. A huge amount of our lives is spent on obtaining, thinking about, worrying and taking care of our stuff. We seem to love to amass it, store it and have to get a large truck to move it. What does our stuff do for us?

Does it make any real difference in our lives? Does it bring us happiness? Does it give us status in society? Does it make others love us more? Does it merit the importance we seem to give it?

Does it ties us down? Is it hard to leave our stuff from fear of something happening to it? Our stuff is attached to us. It can almost rule our lives if we allow it.

This practice of looking outside ourselves for things to bring us happiness has grown into an albatross that just hangs around our necks making us do many things that we probably wouldn't do if we didn't have the intense desire for accumulating stuff. What would our lives be like if we didn't have this stuff? What would we think about? What would we buy with the money from our hour intensive jobs?

I like to look at poor cultures in our world that don't have the access and ability to buy the stuff that we have in our so-called modern society. Are these people happy without a lot of stuff? They sure seem happy to me.


To gives us the ability to buy stuff we need jobs. We need to earn an ever increasing amount of money to be able to keep buying and storing this stuff. These jobs become so important that we get attached to them. We carry them around with us also. They define who we are. They define our status. We worry about losing them just like we do with our stuff. They also occupy a huge chunk of our thoughts and time in our days.

The next question that is usually asked after meeting someone after name is "what do you do?" They are attached to us like a badge that tells all who we are. They can also take over as the highest priority in our lives. Is what job we have really who we are? Is what we do more important than who we are.

This attachment to a job is merely the outcome of the importance we place on things in our daily lives. To obtain things we need to have money. To get money we need jobs. When we realize that things aren't important then our priorities and perspectives regarding jobs will shift along with them. This attachment to our job occupies a huge part of our psyche so to change our perspective on the accumulating of stuff will have a huge affect on our attachment to our jobs.

Now the controversial examples of attachment. The attachment to people.


Many words and cliches are used to describe our relationships to our spouses. We enter into wedlock. We tie the knot. Our better half. Marriage. The union of two people. These words all denote an attaching of two people together. The prevalent belief is that we are not whole without the joining with another. This concept is deeply rooted in duality consciousness where there is two separate opposite things. Male-female, good-bad, right-wrong. With this belief we look to join with another to attain this feeling of wholeness.

With that union there comes the feeling of ownership of the other. My wife or my husband. They are expectations of how the other should act. It can create feelings of possessiveness and jealousy. It can cause thoughts of fear of losing them or feelings of inadequacy or standards that are not lived up to. A myriad of negative emotions can result when we attach to another person.

The same things as my description of attachment to things can also apply with people. This example of attachment may be hard to understand but all attachment is the same. Attaching or trying to own another can cause disagreements as to which way each one chooses to go. If the other person doesn't live up to your expectations of how you think things should be then arguments often follow.

The result can be a separation from each other both figuratively and literally. Freeing each other, untying the knot that comes from this form of attachment. Seems the most successful relationships between two people is when they both recognize that they are whole unto themselves.

With the next step in human evolution, we know that we are god. That we are whole. That we have all we would ever need inside our selves. That we do not need anything or anyone outside of our selves to feel complete. That each person is an entity unto his or her own. Enjoying the time together but allowing each other to grow and experience things of their choosing. Accepting each other's choices in all things knowing that being and feeling free to follow one's desires is paramount to inner peace and contentment.

There are more examples of attachment that I will have to extend to another article for this topic. As I have said, this subject is long and possibly painful to examine. It touches areas of our beliefs that some may label as unthinkable for us to ever change to. The next article will discuss the attachment that we have to our children and how this attachment causes us endless grief and worry and prevents us from being truly free. To experience the freedom that we will have with the attributes of the human being on the new planet earth.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Do I Judge Myself?

I've done it again! Wrote an article. Published it. The next day it hits me. I forgot to include an important concept. In the article I described an attribute of human behavior on the new planet earth. It was called "Judgement Is Over". I neglected to talk about judgement of self.

Funny thing is that self-judgement is one aspect that has played a big part in my life. It is also a very common form of judgement and the cause of an impediment to inner peace. We are, in many cases, our own toughest judges. Self-judgement is the root cause of lots of imbalances within us.

We love to judge our selves as good or bad or right or wrong. Whether it is our behaviors or our perceived "status" in our families or workplace or society in general, this judgement can cause us great strife. Mental illness and sometimes even criminal behavior can result from labeling our selves as bad people or good for nothing.

One of the most popular examples of self-judgement is one that I hear all the time. It is the judging of whether we have parental approval. This practice of measuring up to our parents expectations can carry through with people their whole life causing them endless feelings of unworthiness. This feeling then overflows into many areas of their life and can cause problems with other relationships. When we carry the feeling that we have let our parents down and haven't turned out the way they had hoped, it can lead to escaping into self-destructive behaviors to avoid facing our judged inadequacies.

As was offered in the previous article, judgement is not only just an illusion but it can also be destructive. My father was the closest thing to God that I knew. He was God in my eyes. I ached for his approval in everything. I had a burning desire not to let him down. To live up to his expectations. Of course, as is usually the case in examples of this kind of self-judgement, he was totally fine with whatever I did and loved me regardless of my behaviors or achievements. But I was my harshest critic. I had a blessed childhood. I was a straight A student. Quarterback in football, Pitcher in baseball. Tops in anything I attempted. I had it all. Or so everyone told me.

Everyone but myself. I knew I didn't measure up to what my father expected of me. At 16 or 17 I escaped into all kinds of behavior that diverted me from the pressure of figuring out what my life's work would be. I could be anything. Anything I put my mind to. That was too much pressure.

I partied for 10 years. Then, never became Prime Minister of Canada or head of a large corporation or rich and famous or anything really noteworthy. I had let my father down. I didn't love myself. I was a failure in his eyes. Well maybe not in his eyes but definitely in mine. I didn't love myself. I didn't even like myself. The root was my belief that I was not worthy. That I screwed up. Self-judgement impeded my inner peace for many years. Until June 7 2000.

My father died June 7 1990. I woke up exactly 10 years later to the day. It was a personal trauma that jolted me out of my sleep. It was then I realized that I was God. That I was the creator of my own reality. My reality had been misjudged. These feelings of lack of self-esteem were groundless. The feeling that I had let him down was not reality. Sure, he was God, but so was I. He never once gave me any indication that I was anything less than perfect. It had been just me judging myself for all these years.

For the first time in my life, my mind quit nagging at me. All was quiet inside. There was no internal chatter. No telling myself I was stupid or useless. I had inner peace. It is a feeling I carry to this day.

I learned later, after my Overlight training, that my primary life lesson in this lifetime was "love." The love of self being the main component. Self-judgement plays a big role in the mastering of this life lesson. If you have judged yourself to be unworthy or "bad" then it is impossible to love one's self. Loving your self is needed to love everyone and everything around you. It all goes hand in hand with our step into unity consciousness and a new planet earth.

That day in June is the basis for this whole article series about creating a new planet earth. I believe that if it can happen to me it will happen to us all. We can all obtain the inner knowing that we are masters. We are like Christ. We are all stepping into Christ consciousness.

The practice of judgement will be over. We will have the attributes that I am describing in this series. The new energy will bring us the answers we seek to the meaning of life. Without judgement of self or others, the inner quiet and the ability to enjoy second of every day will become our reality. The reality on the new planet earth.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Judge Me Not

Judgement is an illusion. The human in the new consciousness of earth will judge no more. When we entrench the knowledge that we are one with all things along with the total understanding that we are the creators of our reality, then judgement will not make sense. How can we judge something or someone as right or wrong, good or bad when we know that we are that person or we have created the very situation we now so readily judge.

Judgement is an aspect of duality consciousness. We seem to need to look at a person or event and almost instantly judge it as good or bad. We need to put it in that box to set our minds at ease and to be able to make sense of it. Duality demands it. All things must be classified into these boxes of right or wrong. Take note of how many times a day that we judge things in this manner. Everything that is presented, whether its the person we see on the street, the news we hear on the media or the behaviors of the people close to us, requires us to use judgement. Instantly. How many times have you judged something as wrong that later, after getting more information, you changed your perspective to the opposite result. Judgement is a moving target. Who makes the rules? Is it society or the government or the church? Is there more than one rule book?

When I examine the practice of judgement I ask these questions. The answer I see is that every person has their own rule book. That's too confusing for me. Is there such a thing as "normal?" We seem to love to use the "norm" as our yardstick for judging what is or isn't. What is the norm? This confusion proves to me that judgement is an illusion. It not real. It is not definable. Too many different interpretations of normal or what is beautiful or what is ugly. There is no universal application.

Judgement is so ingrained in societal structures that it has evolved into being the main system that we defer to for guidance to ultimately decide right or wrong. Our laws and those that enforce them hold immense power over our daily lives. The government and judicial systems rewrite the rule book daily on the premise that "they" know what is truly right or wrong, good or bad and we allow them to have that power over us because of the duality consciousness that we are in. The concept of judgement does not work when the other aspects of the new earth are used.

A replacement for judgement that will be an attribute for us in the new energy of unity consciousness is the practice of discernment. It is a much easier, less confusing concept than judgement and can be applied universally to all things.


Discernment may seem a lot like judgement but it has some important differences. When discernment is used, the people or events that we are presented with are not judged as good or bad they just are. This stems from the knowledge of the oneness of all things and knowing that these things are created by us. Then with these understandings we choose to embrace them or not. If we discern that these things are not for us then we just leave them without the need to tag them as right or wrong, good or bad. Discernment leaves the power with us to decide rather than following a set of rules made up by others. And with that, allowing others to decide for themselves what will align with their path trusting that the outcome will be for the highest good of all.

Using discernment is the ability to see the higher purpose for events or behavior. Using the understanding that they are created to help us return to the knowing of our true selves. The ability to see God in all things and to know that we are God also. Knowing that the duality concepts are not real. That everything just "is." Not needing to attach the vibration of good or bad to things that are presented to us. The practice of discernment in place of judgement makes life so much easier and plays a big part in the attainment of the elusive "inner peace" that so many long for.

You may say that this will create chaos. There must be rules and structure or we will
destroy each other. With the new earth the attribute of discernment only works when all the aspects of the new consciousness are adopted. It is a complete change in the way we view our selves and our relationship to all things. There will be no hurting or lying or stealing. When have created this new world there will be no need for the things that we use now. No need for all the rules that we follow now. No desire to hurt another knowing that by doing so we are just hurting our selves.

Utopia? Pie in the sky? Maybe. I like to call it heaven on earth. This is where heaven is. We are creating it right now. We are really just remembering the fact that it is already created. Judging others has no place in heaven. There is no need for a rule book in heaven. The next stage of human evolution is upon us. We are raising our vibration into Christ consciousness, leaving duality consciousness and the mind set of judgement behind.

The Mayans say December 21 2012. I am not so convinced of specific dates. I am convinced that one by one we are waking up to these concepts and very soon we will all be enjoying life on our new planet earth...heaven on earth.